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Updating Libraries to latest/greatest CAUSES Landclass Index 14 error


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OK- I'm beaten.


I did do the update for FTX Global to 1.10, it worked fine.  I did NOT attempt to then install PNW Blue.  I simply ran the latest library update from Orbx site and THEN I got the same Duplicate Landclass Index 14 Aborting FTXCentral error message.  Holy goodness, this is MAJOR irritant.  I almost wonder if there is some kind of software issue in FTX Central itself.  You would almost think that ORBX could design a 'fix' for this problem that could go in and straighten out these index issues.  One can only hope!


I would love it if I could somehow:


1. Update Orbx FTX Global to 1.10 ( I did do this )

2. Then install PNW Blue (which I own) latest and greatest version.

3. Update all of my ORBX libraries to latest/greatest

4. Have 1 thru 3 above complete and NEVER EVER see the Duplicate Landclass Index Error Message EVER again!!!!!!


If someone at ORBX could set me up with the appropriate files and help me sequence the install - hey that'd be great.  I'm not interested in "uninstalling" FTX global.  I'm just interested in it running as expected.  I would like to see 3 runways at KSEA, not just 2.  Hopefully PNW Blue will upgrade the KSEA airport (I know it will) withOUT giving me uneven runway heights or weird looking runway textures.


This hasn't been an adventure, it's been a PITA.  Instead of flying my airplane all day, I spent over EIGHT HOURS on this, and NO, it's not fixed!  That's pretty high on the annoyance scale, yeah?




Robert McDonald.

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Hi Robert,

sorry to hear of your woes there, but did you also get all the updates and patches for your installed FTX Titles from the support page ? => http://fullterrain.com/support.html


Hello Wolter,

I would say that I :


1- Downloaded the latest version of PNW-Blue directly from the FlightSim store.  After install, it reported (through FTX Central) as 1.05 version of PNW BLUE.

2- Obtained the "new" FTX Global patch directly from YOUR website, the cloud server.

3- Got the latest libraries file also from YOUR website, the cloud server.


In the test I ran above, all I did was update Global and then install the libraries, and WHAMMO, I got the duplicate Landclass error.

Your software engineers hopefully will address this - as I'm a HUGE fan of ORBX!


I'd love if they could write some kind of batch file to fix the Duplicate Index problem!


Also, I tried unchecking EVERY OTHER SCENERY PACK in my FSX install-- same error.


I looked at Texture.cfg in FSX folder and couldn't see any glaring issues.


I tried mounting an earlier backup image and pasting texture.cfg back over itself, SAME ERROR after re-writing Texture.cfg to a Pre- Landclass Index state.


Tried re-running the library update - SAME ERROR.


I'm stumped.


Thank you for your efforts on this issue- I'm sure others who haven't reported in yet are also struggling.


When I purchased FTX Global, I elected to blow out the Microsoft default textures after installation.  I would simply never go back to them.  Is there any way I could uninstall FTX Global somehow, install the PNW BLUE and then reinstall Global and then rerun the library update WITHOUT HAVING THE DEFAULT TEXTURES to return to?  I'm guessing no.



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This was MY FAULT - NOT Orbx!


I incorrectly failed to notice that the "library update" I was installing was the ORIGINAL library update I ran back in 2011!  I mistakenly thought I was doing the "latest/greatest" ORBX library.  DOH:!  I basically installed it TWICE which caused the INDEX ERROR!  The other 'rub' was I had .NET 4.5.1 PREVIEW edition on my system.  I uninstalled and installed .NET 4.5 (non-preview) instead.  That stopped a windows installer message saying "This program may not have installed correctly"  So have ONLY the correct non-beta versions of .NET on your system.


I am taking the time to post this here to advise others in hopes they double-check the library FILE NAME.  The current latest version is 130909 NOT 111014!  Apparently the library updaters don't 'check' to see what version they are updating.  A great hint to ORBX would be to write a code subroutine to look at what is ALREADY on the user's system, and prevent double-installs. 

IF current library ver = this library ver then display


"You already have this update.  You cannot re-install it"




Just a suggestion.  Syntax not correct, obviously.


And as suggested by ORBX - ONLY get your files from their support page.  http://fullterrain.com/support.html



The library update comes LAST after you are done installing the products and regions themselves.  Double check you are installing the latest greatest library.  You can open FTX Central and from the menu bar across the top click REPORTS- it will show what products/patches and which library version you have installed.  DO NOT click on HELP/ABOUT FTX CENTRAL - that is merely which version of FTX Central is installed, and has no relationship to what PRODUCTS/PATCHES or LIBRARIES are there.


Click TOOLS/REPORTS/FTX Products Installed and you might see:


FTX AA LIBRARIES Ver 130909 9th September 2013

FTX Global Base Pack Version 1.10 September 2013

FTX Pacific Northwest Ver 1.00 PATCH 005 March 27, 2012



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Hello Wolter,


It's embarrassing to throw one's self beneath the bus of shame, but I would not want someone thinking ill of ORBX- I simply LOVE your products.  FSX even without the upcoming VECTOR add-on piece (estimated release date per Mr. Venema approximately end of October 2013).  If I had simply LOOKED MORE CLOSELY at my ORBX library upgrade files on my backup hard disk, I might have noticed the "2011" version I was double-installing (because that version came with my older ORBX products).  Clearly if you double-install the same scenery library file, you are going to get the error that I in fact did- Duplicate Landclass Index.


ORBX adds another layer of realism to FSX that begins with high end add-on aircraft and airports.  By getting the Global FTX with the VECTOR kit plus your favorite high-definition Orbx Regions, and then selecting HYBRID mode in FTX Central, you can fly about without constantly re-selecting the specific ORBX areas you have added to your sim.


Like PMDG in the aircraft- I regard ORBX as the high end of wide-area scenery.  The new VECTOR add-on from ORBX looks astounding- the water bodies greatly enhanced no more odd-shaped lakes and 'rivers' that flow nowhere.

Good on ya, mates!


Robert McDonald

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