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problems with Orbx Lancair IV-P130 causes FSX to crash


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Just installed the orbx Lancair IV-P130 purchased a few days ago. When I choose this aircraft in the opening screen that display's a visual of the aircraft it looks like what you see in the screen shot. Then of course once I load the flight and airport all exterior views of the plane also show me this below screen shot. Virtual cockpit view seems complete and normal.  When I try to switch to a different aircraft, both fsx defaults or alternate lancair painting... I see the following error messages and FSX crashes when I click on one of the 3 choices.

Yes, default FSX aircraft are working fine as long as I load them first without attempting to load and use the Lancair.

Error message is..


"Debug assertion failed


program files(x86)/Microsoft games/Microsoft flight....x..\fsx.exe


file: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\fprintf.c

Line: 55

expression: (str ! = NULL)


For more information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the visual c++ documentation on asserts."


abort, retry, or ignore.



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Now have discovered that other aircraft are missing various pieces... beachcraft barron does not show wings or engines looking out cockpit window... but when in an exterior view such as "spot" everything shows.


beachcraft kingair shows everything in all views except the dash board around the gages while in v. cockpit mode.. gages show but no dashboard... just runway or whatever is in front of me.


Cessna 172 shows everything in all views but does not show all window "glass" while in exterior view and does not show any wings or tail while in cockpit looking out.


These are just to name a few. What the heck happened? I install Lancair and get the original topic issue plus this stuff.

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Hi Trelloar,


Assertion failures can sometimes be caused by memory issues.


1.    I would first go into the fsx.cfg. file,  open with notepad.


under the [GRAPHICS] header,  add this line;




save and exit.


Works on some systems that have a problem with missing textures, when adding aircraft.


2.  Do you use DX10 preview mode?



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In addition to Ron's questions:


1. Have you recently gone from DX10 to DX9?

(I've seen something similar in the past when messing with DX10, deleting the shaders and shaders10 folders in the fsx.cfg folder fixed it for me)


2. Have you refreshed your fsx.cfg?

(rename the fsx.cfg to fsx.cfg.off or something similar and let FSX create a new copy on next startup)

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Ok have tried the following. 

-refreshed CFG file.

-updated video drivers.


problem continues.


-tried to figure out the shaders and shaders10 suggestion but totally confused what you are talking about. you refer to a CFG "folder" and apparently the shader and shader10 "folders" are in the FSX.CFG "folder"?? are you talking about files or folders? I never thought there was a fsx.CFG "folder"... only a file. and of course I am not seeing any folders by that name.  


There are some lines in the CFG file under [graphics] that refer to the word "shader" like....





any of those what you are referring to?

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Sorry about the confusion, I should have said the shader and shader10 folders in the folder containing the fsx.cfg.


Delete all of the files in those two folders, and that should hopefully get you back up and running.


Here's a good website explaining the fix: http://fsxtimes.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/clean-up-shader-cache/

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ok thanks... Went back to the folder containing fsx.cfg and there are no folders named shaders or shader10. In my case the folder that contains the cfg file is located at c:\users\my name\app data\Microsoft\fsx.... there are 3 folders that do exist among all of the files in that location and those folders are;    controls, simobjects, and substitutions. None of which contain any folders by the name of shaders.


I was able to find a folder name "shadersHLSL" in the only other location that I know of containing FSX files. c:\program files(x86)\Microsoft games\Microsoft flight simulator...

I tried removing the shadersHLSL and when the menu came up that has a box displaying a graphical picture of current selected plane along with the other usual flight settings... that box that usually shows the plane picture was black. then clicked fly now and after the usual progress bar completed I had a black screen that still showed the "alt" options at the top of the screen. file, aircraft, world, options etc.. Sound was also gone in the menu as well as the black screen I saw after flight was loaded. I have since then replaced the shadersHLSL and have it back to where I was... original problem remains but fsx is functioning otherwise.  

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I'm sure you remember that I originally mentioned other default fsx aircraft are missing various pieces depending on what type of view... each aircraft is missing a unique and different piece but is otherwise 98% intact. However, did notice that the default bell jetranger (all variations) is doing pretty much the same thing that the lancair is doing... pretty much missing all external sheet metal to the fuselage so you see the interior and pretty much nothing else. lancair can be loaded and flown and the missing panels is not something that flickers or varies during gameplay... it is set and does not vary just as it would if the aircraft were literally designed to look that way.. not saying that it is... it just seems that files are missing or are out of place... or maybe fsx is looking in the wrong place.. don't know it's beyond me.. but one more thing to clarify... when I start out with a default aircraft and switch between defaults.. (even in free flight menu)... I DO NOT get the error message that leads to a program crash. The error does not show up until I first choose any variation of the lancair and then try to switch to another plane be it a default or other lancair variation.

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Now I've reached my limited knowledge and ideas... I'm going to try and get the attention of the Lancair developer to see if he has any ideas.


To help out, can you take a shot of the crash message and post it as well as any other screenshots you think may be of help?

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Hi Guy's,


let's back up a bit, as there is a little confusion, 


trelloa, you are looking in the wrong place,  sorry Phil but maybe he got confused by you saying in was in the same folder as the cfg.  but it is not.

If you had read the link info correctly given by Phil, you would have found it.


OK.   the .cfg file is at; user>{your name}>appdata>roaming>microsoft>fsx.   Trelloa, you left out the roaming, but as you found the cfg and others you mentioned , I'll assume it's a typo.

The shaders folders are not here, you have to back up a little,


Go to;  users>{your name}>appdata>local>microsoft>fsx.  here are the 2 folders phil is refering to.


when you get to app data, there are 3 folders, 1. Local..2..Local low...and roaming ( where the cfg is )

select local and follow through, Microsoft/fsx  to the shaders.

leave the folders in place but delete everything contained inside.  FSX will rebuild the cache on next run.


Hope this helps,



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Ok this time I found shaders and shaders10 when going through the local folder. I deleted the contents of shaders but when I looked in shaders10 I noticed that there was a subfolder in there by the name of shadersHLSL... same name of the folder I found in the fsx data within program files(x86).. as you probably read.. deleting that from the prog files previously gave me a black screen in the plane preview box as well as a black screen after loading a flight.. The contents of that shadersHLSL were a little different with a few fewer folders within it. I Decided to try anyways and moved the contents of shaders10 to my desktop.

Same black screen problem occurred... closed fsx and went to locations... shaders appeared to be rebuilt as expected... but shader10 was still empty. Moved the original shaders10 contents from desktop back to the shaders10 folder... and black screen is not going away this time... went back and deleted shaders again... shaders only this time leaving the shaders10 there. Of course shaders was rebuilt but black screen problem still there. While I wait for a response I'm gonna try to CFG refresh again with a rebuilt shaders folder.. will edit this post with the results of that.

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Now I've reached my limited knowledge and ideas... I'm going to try and get the attention of the Lancair developer to see if he has any ideas.


To help out, can you take a shot of the crash message and post it as well as any other screenshots you think may be of help?


I have recently tried getting a screen shot with the error message but get getting it with the fsx "v" button will not work... I'm guessing it will only take a picture of game content and even if it would catch an error message fsx will not register my "v" command anyways as the error message window is the dominant (selected) window at the moment and windows won't give me to option to change that until I acknowledge the error which of course will make it go away.

I have tried the only other method I know of and that's "print screen" then view in clipboard... when I try to open clip board I get an error message there "error preventing photo from being displayed".  I did however type up the entire error message word for word on my original post of this topic.. as for game screen shots.. I'm pretty stuck now with the black screen so sorry... only have the original that I posted already.

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Hi Trelloa,


The shader10 will not get rebuilt if you are running directX9 and in fact I've been informed you can delete the folder completely from appdata/local etc.  It will get put back if you ever use DX10 mode again.


As for the shaderHLSL....Did you apply the fix from Steve and patch this one, in the main fsx folder, when running DX10?   As you may need to put the original back.


What I would try next,


*Check, if you use Inspector, that the settings are not still configuered for DX10 mode, if in fact there is any difference. (been a while since I used dx10 )

 Note;  make sure AA is off in FSX, as switching between DX9 and DX10 can sometimes turn this on, and can cause black screens with Inspector.


1. make sure you are in DX9, ie DX10preview mode off in fsx. AA is off.

2. go to appdata/local/microsoft/fsx.  Delete both shader folders completely ( or backup as you've done)

3. go to appdata/roaming/microsoft/fsx  and rename/backup your .cfg ( even if you've done it before )

4. restart FSX.  It will rebuild all above


If none of the above work at all, then we are on the wrong track.


Next,  did you install the Lancair while in DX10 mode,  in any case I would uninstall it to see if problem persists.


Finally, it may be your video driver if you use Nvidia, as you said you updated drivers.

 Nvidia have confirmed that there have been problems with recent drivers and they have resolved the issue due to a windows error and released a beta. previous latest drivers are known to cause black screens and corruption in some cases.

see here;



replace your previous driver, or try the new Beta as Nick say's in the link.


As for the error message, I have seen it many times, (c++ programming. old uni days ) it's a vague message due to code errors, that sometimes can be due to memory allocation issues, but not always,  do a google search.



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Hi Trelloa

Ron is correct: recently out of date nvidia drivers have caused some issues with fsx. But first of all i'd start by dropping your settings to a low resolution. Just as a comparison. This sort of missing geometry is most commonly caused by a lack of system resources. The Lancair is a fairly resource heavy aircraft and if your seeing missing geometry on default aircraft it is likely you either have too lower system specs or you have the settings too high. Please post your system specs in your signature and we will be able to suggest a starting point for you.

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Hi jared,


thanks for stepping in, I'm all out of ideas.


Trelloa,  to take a screenshot,  you can use 'print screen',  then open , paint, or Word even, then paste the screen shot there.  most likely your clipboard viewer service is turned off, mine was by default.

In either, you can select and crop the image, to reduce size and make sure to save as a J-peg. and not bitmap. save in my pictures or wherever.


sorry I couldn't be of more help,



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Sorry for the delay in updating you guys. The status can be changed to resolved or whatever. I reinstalled fsx, ftxg, and the lancair. The lancair model is rendered properly with the only problem remaining being the error message and fsx crash that occur when I try to switch away from the lancair. I guess I can live with that seeing that it only occurs with the lancair. I have moved on to try and dive into getting started with vatsim atc and have run into software problems with that process. just my luck :) rarely do things outside the box go smoothly for me.. and it's always the most daunting issues. Wish me luck. I keep asking myself if it's really worth all of this b.s. to be on vatsim but keep thinking "it's live atc.. of course it's worth it" Thanks for all of the help. take care.

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Hi Trelloa,


I can say that there is nothing wrong with the code of FSX, Orbx or the Lancair, 

and really, the error is due to, from what I remember of programming,  poorly written code, or a problem with

C++ itself, or faulty program not releasing it's memory allocation,  Malware, or a hundred other things.


If you are continuing to get other software issues, as you say.  You have a bigger problem.


My first advice is to seek help with debugging the error, you have the path to the .exe, ie, fsx, and the error itself which is very vague if you search for the same.

( file: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\fprintf.c

Line: 55

expression: (str ! = NULL)


Go to;  http://www.sevenforums.com/bsod-help-support/   follow the instructions for posting a crash report and get help from the experts.


Next, consider this, poorly written code, hmmmmm. this can fall into the category of Malware, some of these target the Appdata folders ( where fsx runs some things from ) and I would also download Malwarebytes (http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free/ )   and run a full system scan in Safe mode.  


maybe try a clean boot of Windows to check, lots of info on the net on this.


Run Memtest, or similar to actually check the memory,  Run 'System file checker' in windows, even reinstall C++.


As stated earlier, hard for anyone to tell,  without knowing your system specs, operating system etc. 


Good luck,



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