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Here's my pics of a flight from Armidale (YARM) to Coffs Harbour (YCFS aka YSCH) in the carenado 182, after the latest hot fix for Au Gold

Everything checks out before entering rwy 05 YARM

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That's Hillgrove over to the left

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Weaving between cloud I had to track north off track but found Ebor ok.

That's Ebor over the panel

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Keeping north of the rough country on the right. That cloud is hiding some very big valleys & gorges.

I wouldn't want an engine failure over there!

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Next way point is Dorrigo. My passenger took this pic from the right seat.

We are lucky to see Dorrigo today, they get about 90" of rain per annum so when it's cloudy

they have their fair share of it.

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Overflying the field & runway 10 plus a look at Orbx scenery

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On final runway 10 Coffs

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