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Little series of Northern Territory. Did test a few picture manipulation effects, sorry...

01. Just took off

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02. To the clouds

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03. And out of them

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04. Frontier area close to the southern deserts

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05. Following road

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06. Descending and following partially dried out river

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07. Sun is blocked by clouds

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08. Downwind in progress

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09. Twotter can handle roughing (anyone who's seen it flown IRL knows what I'm talking about)

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10. Base

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11. Turning to final

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12. On final

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13. Landing is imminent

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Flight simmers are rather strange aren't they Yallu? They'll probably take pics of their family or scenery with the family camera and edit them to their hearts content in an effort to make them more attractive or, more to the point, represent what looked like the actual scene at the time they pressed the shutter button. 

However, many simmers seem to take the attitude that the 'V' key on a flight simulator is somehow sacrosanct and different from the family camera and this has caused you to feel you must apologise for using your photographic editing equipment to portray in your pictures what you obviously wanted us to see.

It's quite illogical.

They're nice pictures mate, and if your images, whatever you've done to them to get to the stage where they've turned out the way you wanted us to see them, then that's good and no apologies should ever be needed or, indeed profered.

Now I think it's time for me to duck!! ;);D


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