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One for Gizmo.... Thanks.

Iain Emms

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Super shot Iain love the ligthing,Seems that time i spent converting the normals for the 152 really paid off ;)

I wish Acees had kept the bloom glare under dx10 the same as in is dx9 but just made it frame friendly,it looks so much nicer than the cheap bloom effect the decided to use :(

im iching to get my gaming/simming/repainting rig back in working order it been down for a week or so now due to my motherboard going down...ive had the replacement sitting around for a few days nows just gotta find time to fit it...hopefully i can get it done this weekend and make a start on somthing else!

Thnx again for the shots you've posted of my work im really happy to see that ppl enjoy using it,it makes all the hours of tweaking and testing well worth it :)



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