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Installation looking for Disk#2

allan prewett

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A few minutes ago I piggy backed at the end of another thread that looked like it had finished but the title asking for Dev. Support seemed to fit. But I wanted to add some more detail and it looks to have been deleted.

I had downloaded Global and so you know it was legit FSS0223251.But it did not want to install.

I cleared up some more disc space and that got the ball rolling but with the green bar only a few centremeters along I get this message;

Insert Disk

Please insert disk #2. If the files on this disk can be found in another location, for example, on another drive, enter the full path or click the Browse button to select the path.

Path box has this;


I can browse, ok or cancel, going to click cancel now and see what that does.

But I have no idea what to do?

I don't have a disks for the product.

And sorry I am just not tech savvy to work this out

Sorry about taking up forum space with this, its probably really basic, when so many important things are going on.


Clicking cancel asked for Disc 3 and then a error message;

C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft flight simulatorx\Scenery\World\Texture\002e2hw4.bmp

A decompression error has occurred (#2029)

Unkown decompression error

abort retry ignore

going to retry and then sit on my hands


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There are two reasons an Orbx product installer may ask you to insert another disk in order to continue installation. Below are explanations for these reasons and following on from that is a complete run down on the process required to install these products, using Orbx's FTX: NZ North Island as an example.


1. The Finish button on the wrapper is clicked before the product installer has completed.


With most products that use The FlightSim Store wrapper, following the unwrapping process the installer is executed and the wrapper waits until it has finished before moving to its own Finish screen. However, some of the larger products developed by Orbx use a different kind of installer to the majority of their products which does not allow the wrapper to wait for the product installer to complete. With these products if you click on the Finish button on the wrapper before the product installer has completed you will potentially be deleting data files required by the product installer. When this is the case, the product installer may ask you to insert another disk in an attempt to locate the missing data file.


Always ensure that the product installer has completed before clicking the Finish button on the wrapper.


2. All files have not been extracted from the downloaded zip file before running the wrapper.


In this case, if the wrapper has been executed without first extracting all of the file from the zip file or when the wrapper is run directly from the zip file, when the product installer is executed it may be missing some of the data files it requires to install the product.


Always ensure that you have extracted the full contents of the downloaded zip file before running the wrapper. We recommend using a proper zip program such as WinZip, WinRAR, or 7zip to extract the contents of large zip files, and discourage the use of the in-built Windows Compressed Folder feature for this purpose.


Process for installing products with multiple installer data files.


Below is a step by step process for installing products where the installer ships with multiple data files.


1. Download the package from The FlightSim Store servers, preferably using a download manager such as GetRight, FlashGet or Internet Download Manager. Take note of the download location. We generally recommend downloading to your Desktop or another location where you regularly download files to so that you remember where the file is located once the download has completed.


2. Using a zip file extraction program such as WinZip, WinRAR, or 7zip, extract the full contents of the zip file to a temporary location on your hard drive. The image below shows the downloaded zip file opened in WinRAR preparing to be extracted to a temporary folder.




3. Once all files have been extracted, run the wrapper Application file to begin the validation process. Once validated the wrapper prepares the product installer and its data files and then executes the product installer. The image below shows the wrapper preparing the product installer and its data files.




4. Once the wrapper has executed the installer you may be presented with the wrappers Finish screen as shown below. DO NOT click the Finish button on this screen just yet.




5. Follow the prompts of the product installer until it has completed, then finish out of the installer.




6. Click the Finish button on the wrapper to complete the process.




7. You can then delete the folder where you temporarily extracted the contents of the zip file to recover disk space.
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Ok thanks anyway. Just don't know enough to make it work. I shall keep mucking around to see if I stumble on the solution.

I shall see if I can find someone to help me.

I used Internet Download Manager.

I moved the folder from the manager to the desktop.

The folder has a blue Z in the top right hand corner.

Right click and 7 zip is there so I have tried to extract files and extract here.

Other then the read me and the exe file the others are just blank page emblems.

Nothing happens from here.

Sorry it must be frustrating from your end, I just wish I new what I was doing or the process was more idiot proof. I posted before to see if I could find any other FSX people in Darwin so they may be able to help with this sort of thing, but it looks like I am alone.


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Hi all,


I have the same exact problem with my installation.  Wolter, do you mean to 1. open the download and unzip and then   2.  move all the files into a temporary file and    3.   install from there?


The info says I have 10+ GB available for this 4.2 GB installation. Is that enough?  If not, that could be the cause.


good flights, Cal 

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Hi Cal,

rgr on the extract the files into a folder and run the installer from there

you'll need indeed 10+ Gigs of free space on the C drive to let the wrapper do it's thing

as for size things, the installer is indeed about 4,2 G, but, here comes that but word again, lol, FTXG* will replace all the stock world texture files, those weigh in at approx 6,92 G's, the FTXG* installer also asks you to make a backup of your current = stock fsX world scenery textures, which roughly adds another time the same amount of data, so the total install of FTXG* amounts to about 14 G's give or take a few.

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Thanks Wolter,


I'm pretty sure my destination disk is too full so I'll  clear away some regional scenery to make room for FTXG.  I can then  re-install regions more selectively where I want to have more detail. I look forward to being able to experience Global. 


Thank you for your helpful answers, I hope this also helps others.


good flights,  Cal

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