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Have you got the latest libraries installed (26 June 2013)?


You might try switching to default FSX in FTX Central and click Apply. Then just start FSX and wait till it is loaded, then close it. Go back to FTX Central, choose your FTX area and click Apply. Then start FSX again and try a flight again at CBB7.


I've run into the same type of elevation issues too. Latest one was a "sunken runway". Ended up landing on the main ramp taxiway. Performed the steps above and everything normal ever since.


Hope this fixes it for you.



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Nobody seems to have asked if you have 'Crash Detection' turned on in your sim.  Do you?  If you do, turn it off and see if the crash still occurs at the same spot.  If not, then there is a crash box problem in the CBB7 scenery.  If it still crashes then another tack will have to be taken.  I think the problem can be solved but have to do it one step at a time.


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Checked my settings for crash detection was on now it is off and no more crashes!!! Thanks for the heads-up



To answer Gordon All the PNW terrain looks great too me but the airstrip never did disappear now the only strip is a dirt runway. Thanks a lot for the help

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Good one...I'll have to snoop about in the architecture to find why a crash is occurring on final. Of course, at Tipella short final puts you below the tree tops so it may be related to the extremely close proximity to the trees. I worked from real photos here so the tree heights are appropriate. Rule number one...don't hit the trees. ;)

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I also at first thought I hit a tree but I was well above them I pause out the last time it did it. Got outside I was at least 200' above them and My plane is about 350 to 250 and the electric pole is on my left that's were it crashes.Thanks a lot..Scott

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