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CBB7 Tipella - Performance

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The scenery looks great but performance is not good for me on this one. Even with the default trike loaded sitting at the end of the runway with the town in view causes my FPS to drop from 30 to 20. Thats with all the CP options at default as well.



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Tipella is a demanding little spot on FPS. I did push the envelope, but not to the point to exclude anyone. I highly recommend running specific tweaks on the system to free up FPS.


I would recommend FSPS Extreme. It's inexpensive and improves performance by maximizing your setup.

One thing you can do is to turn up pixel filtering to exclude slightly larger objects. Distant objects will not be shown, but everything close will remain untouched. I was making 25 FPS on average in multiple tests...running tweaks. If I boot into FSX without enabling my tweaks, FPS will suffer. Also refer to the User Guide to reference the FSX recommended settings.


Also, very important...disable all airports and scenery that you will not be using. These will load into the available memory and continue to load as you fly over other airports. If you are just going to play at or around Tipella, disable the other scenries except for PNW. That should help quite a bit. 


Tipella will be like a fine wine that improves with age. Upgrades in technology like video cards and microprocessors will have a huge impact on performance. I designed Tipella for todays average tech, but with the future clearly in my sights.

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