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Last hours of the day in Lilydale

Guest Private-Cowboy

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Guest Private-Cowboy

Hi there,

just wanna share two simple shots I just took during a short test flight over Lilydale. I was testing a freeware tool that allows you to create your own weather themes (like the two ORBX offers). I'm very impressed with what you can get after 10 seconds of fiddleing with the tool...

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The most surprising thing is, that all that you see in respect to weather, clouds and sky is stock FSX. No FEX, no REX, no AXG+XG involved in those shots. Those two shots are not even editing at all (besides the canvas). Can't wait to see how it turns out with some better cloud textures.

Hope you like the shots.

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Guest Private-Cowboy

Sure I have, sorry for not including the link in my first post. It can be found here...


It's from a german author, so his site is german too. But I guess you know what to do - enter those verification letters and click download.

The tools was designed for FS9 back then but the themes created work wonderfully in FSX too. Just copy the created set of files for your theme (3 files total) into the FSX weather theme folder when you've created a theme and select it in FSX. The tool looks like this...

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The UI is english and there is an english readme pdf provided. Let me know what you think of the tool.

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