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Couple of questions!


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Hello guys, i have a couple of questions concerning REX and Nvidia Inspector!


  I have installed Rex Essentials plus Overdrive and it runs very smooth , great product.  I have ticked all the boxes in the Options menu including (Runways ,Taxiways , Airport's Textures etc...)   My Question is :  Do they Override any of the ORBX Runway / Taxiway  textures or Just the Default FSX's Textures?  ( Plus i have installed some Aerosoft's  and  Fly Tampa's product's, do they ovveride any of these as well or not?).


 My Second Question, concerning Nvidia Inspector  (i have a GTX580)  and  i am trying to limit my frames as i  am getting Huge Fluctuations  15up to 150(sometimes)!  In my fsx i have set them to Unlimited

as i get a better performance.  I am trying to locate my Nvidia Inspector so i can limit my frames through it!  Is it a program that i must install because i have no idea where it is!


Any help will be much appreciated.


Thank you , Mike.




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REX asphalt runway and ground detail textures overwrite the Orbx ones but this is fine, if you want the Orbx AERO runways/ground detail back just re-run the AERO tool again,


The AERO runways and textures are actually made by REX

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In addition to Tim's reply, REX doesn't touch the Airport addons runway(s) Textures (in general, not related to FTX addons) if such textures included in the addon (most Aerosoft Airports do), only the FSX default ones.

Most airport addons use their own Textures for RWY's, etc (as you might Noticed they usually consists two folder "Scenery" & "Textures").

in some cases I have noticed mainly on cheep Airport addons, that they don't have their own runway textures in the addon build and use the default FSX one for the RWY Textures, that is where you will see the REX runway textures on those addons, as REX replaced those default FSX textures with their owns.

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