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Black screen or partial screen


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I recently added PNW, CRM, NRM and if I'm doing an IFR flight through the default flight planning all is good until I accidetally hit the Esc key or hit the option to start a new flight plan and then go back to the flight the screen will go black or goes to a partial screen. I have updated my graphics driver and it seemed to not change anything. So any help would be appreciated.

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Hi there, me again :)

could you please be more specific with your hardware data, i3 and 9600GT is a bit on the meager side of things, also a few screenshots of your issue could be helpful

info on how to post screenshots on our forums you can find here => http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/38447-how-to-post-a-screenshot-on-the-orbx-forums/

also added a link for you for comparative purposes => http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce+9600+GT

also have a look here => http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/54048-best-graphics-cards-for-fsx/?hl=9600gt

hope it is helpful to you

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I have the Intel ® Core i3 550@3.20GHz and 6Gb Ram, so are basically telling me my graphics card is not capitible with your software? A screen should would be pointless

because it's all black and sonly sometimes is it a partial screen. When it's a partial screen it'ss either all black and kinda chopped into sections or half the screen is black and you can see

some land

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Black screen when using menu keys, sounds like the old UIAutomationcore.dll fix.


haven't seen it in a while, but as your card is quite old, it may apply.


What the fix  was,  is the dll from Vista 64.  just download this version from here; http://www.search-dll.com/dll-files/download/uiautomationcore.dll.html


Put it in your FSX folder,  there is no existing one in the FSX folder,  so put it in and see if it works.  If not then just remove it.


This fix works for some but not others,  and if you do a search for UIAutomationcore.dll fix,  you will find countless posts with similar problems you are having.


Mostly, IFR flight, accessing menu buttons and either getting black screen or CTD's.



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Hi Ron so far it's working haven't really got a chance to put it through the paces yet. I also think that I'm going to switch out my video card for the factory HP one since it's only a year old

and not 3 yrs old like my GeForce to see how that works out. Thanks again for the help.



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