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Lancair Pressurization units, also lighting question


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Is the airport altitude side of the pressurization dial in the Lancair in hundreds or thousands of feet?

Also, the cabin lighting switch doesn't appear to do anything for me. Is this normal? The panel lighting switch works, but the cabin lighting doesn't.

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I suspect you are unlikely to get a response until you obey the forum rules... you got away with it last time probably because of some post-coital glow or injected Rioja, but you need to buck-up to put up .


One question may be regarded as charity. Two reflects a trend... you will also want to read Page 26 of the User Guide manual as this answers your question without input from other simmers or the developers.

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Order number is FSS0215156

What exactly is wrong with you? I did 'put up'. I paid 25 bucks for this product, and now expect support for it to work as advertised. I don't see the problem there. Flight sim developers LOVE to talk about piracy, but this sort of rudeness does much more to hurt their business than piracy ever could dream of.

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The forum requires certain actions from you as the topic from 2008 indicates. It also tells you where to add it, which you seemingly don't get. Why are you exempt from the forum rules?


Now if you read the manual you bought and paid for, your question relating to the pressurisation is answered. As for the remainder, please post system specs

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Snave, I had an extended conversation with the support here because a badly designed installer silently failed when, without any information provided on the website, it required seven times as much space to install as I expected. I guessed they would have remembered my post, and that I am legit customer.

I also don't feel the obligation to indulge the all-too common developer piracy paranoia.. I respect theie beer work and don't support pirating it, but piracy isn't something they can solve or prevent in any way but good customer service.

I would not have been offended if you said "please add your order number". Instead you gave a rude and condescending speech.

The manual does not indicate the units. It appears to be hundreds of feet, but this is not clearly indicated.

From your answer, I surmise that the cabin lighting IS supposed to work.

My specs are:

Core i7 2700K @4.5, liquided cooled by H100
Win 7 64
4G GTX 670


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Snave is not an Orbx team member, and I apologize for his rudeness, it is not how it happens here.


I'm not the developer of this aircraft, so you'll have to excuse me for a sec while I do a search for the information pertaining to your question, as I recall these same questions have been asked before, I'll also ping Jarred to drop in (Lancair dev)




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Thanks for your help. I had missed the ceiling switches. The apology is appreciated, for some reason these officious enforcers tend to show up in the flight sim community a lot.

I know I've asked a lot of questions about this product, but I'm absolutely satisfied with it this far, except for the checklist issue. I'm impressed with the handling, the pressurization modelling, etc. It's impressive.


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"Not sure who Bill Womack is....."

Bill is a long time, well respected FS software developer. You can read some of his stuff here: http://iblueyonder.com/

BTW, I've noticed a lot of posters, in many of the Flight Sim related folders on the internet, can be rude & condescending. Not sure who peed in their cornflakes, but I sure wish they'd lighten up. Most of them are "know-it-alls" who have no patience with questions that THEY already know the answer to.

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Bill's got some cool stuff, thanks the link!

I've also that the FS community has a somewhat unique culture that manner. Hopefully it will change one of these days.

This can be marked as resolved by the way.

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