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YBBN, Does not look right?

Sam Freeman

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Hi there, please see the screenshot attached.


I have all the setting's exactly as the manual for YBBN Specifies. but the taxiways all seem bluured, allmost like FTX Aero is not working, particuarly since the taxiway lines dont seem to change. I have tried re-installing the pack and updates, as well as the libraries. still no no avail. Could the mesh pack be interfering with this?


Please have a look at the screenshot. you will notice the apron is clear as day, but the taxiway... i can barley make out the yellow line






Here is a closer view




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I dont know if this is your problem or not, but as far as I can observe, the taxiways at YBBN are not polygons, but bitmaps (even with the polygon option set in the YBBN control box).


To get get the best out of bitmaps, you have to set the texture resolution slider in FSX to its maximum of 7 cm. Even then the taxiways appear blurred when compaired with the polygons of the runway and aprons.


(PS to orbx - please fix the green taxiway lights problem at YBBN)

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Sam, are you using Anisotropic filtering on your graphics card?


What Nvidia settings are you using? Antialiasing, oversampling, etc?


It looks like the texture filtering might be Trilinear or worse.



Hi there thanks for the reply, 


Here are my NVIDIA Settings





I did notice now, in FSX That My texture filter was not antroscopic and the anti alasing was not on.


Ill See how i go and post a screenshot shortly 


Thanks For the help

I dont know if this is your problem or not, but as far as I can observe, the taxiways at YBBN are not polygons, but bitmaps (even with the polygon option set in the YBBN control box).


To get get the best out of bitmaps, you have to set the texture resolution slider in FSX to its maximum of 7 cm. Even then the taxiways appear blurred when compaired with the polygons of the runway and aprons.


(PS to orbx - please fix the green taxiway lights problem at YBBN)


Hi there, the slider is on 7CM, i did notice a problem (See Above) will let you know of the outcome, oh yes and i couldnt agree more, plz fix the taxiway light issue

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Aero won't alter these taxilines, because they are photoreal (not rendered line segments).  This is also why they are not as sharp as FSX generic lines.  They are however more immersive, as they are what is there.


The YBBN guys may have some more tips.


The AA looks so much better now, and the objects are rendering much better in the distance (Anisotropic filtering)


The ground surfaces are ground-polygons, so the relevant setting is the global texture resolution slider which should be maxxed out (this is the same as the texture max load setting of 1024 in the fsx.cfg, and from memory I cannot recall if this looks better at 2048 or 4096 than it does at 1024)


Aside from my general observations one of the YBBN guys may be able to offer some more specific insights when they pop along.


I suspect however that the answer lies in your graphics settings, and FSX detail settings, and working out what gives the best performance on a Mobile Nvidia chipset.


As for the taxi-ways lighting, I'll definitely leave that for the YBBN guys to discuss.

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As Ian has stated, the taxi-ways use photo textures sampled at 15cm per pixel, so what you get is what you get, that was the design choice for this particular airport (and many other Orbx titles) Changing your filtering setting has made a huge difference to your scene quality, but the airport surface cannot be fine tuned. Turn on ground poly's in the control panel to benefit from clearer aprons.


I was unaware of any issues with the taxi lights? the last update to YBBN was released years ago and i dont remember anything about the taxi lights coming up then, whats the problem?



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Hi there Russ, 

Great job with YBBN,


The Taxiway lights dont seem to show properly at night, making it difficult to taxi, i find they are not quite bright enough, but FSX Default ones are fine. A Odd Problem for sure. 

So there is no way of making these lines sharper? Just asking as that makes aero seem a little misleading. I just tried the FSX Default polys, let lets just say that they dont look any where near as real :-

The Main issue i have with the taxiways is at night, as i use taxi lights on the PMDG 737 to make it a little easier, and realistic. I struggle to see the taxiway as it seems very blurred. Not sure if there is anything you

can do about it.


Overall, glad i found this setting, it has made brisbane look so much more realistic, and perhaps less lag than there was before, i have noticed! :-) I can now navigate VFR.


The Main issue i had is resolved. Can someone please mark as Answered


Kind Regards



As Ian has stated, the taxi-ways use photo textures sampled at 15cm per pixel, so what you get is what you get, that was the design choice for this particular airport (and many other Orbx titles) Changing your filtering setting has made a huge difference to your scene quality, but the airport surface cannot be fine tuned. Turn on ground poly's in the control panel to benefit from clearer aprons.


I was unaware of any issues with the taxi lights? the last update to YBBN was released years ago and i dont remember anything about the taxi lights coming up then, whats the problem?



BTW, what would you recomend performance wise, 1024, 2048 or 4096? for my computer

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As with most things, there are always many ways to achieve any end goal. With FSX there are many different methods of development, each have their advantages and disadvantages, so it's a case of weighing up which advantages suit the specifics of each airport and which disadvantages will have to be accepted. FTX Aero provides the ability to customise Orbx airport surfaces that have been developed using method 'A', YBBN and some other Orbx airports have been developed using method 'B' and therefore Aero will not change their appearance. Thats a simple analogy but it shows that depending on the method chosen, some doors close, while others open.



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