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PNW - possible collision issue at Bremerton?

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I think this highly unlikely and need to do more testing, but I landed on Runway 1 on Bremerton with the Nemeth Designs AS350 Ecureuil Helicopter, and was delightedly hover-taxiing along the first taxiway exiting 1 on the left when, just a foot or two above the ground, crash! I hit an invisible collision box.

Have nothing but PNW, Orcas Island, Anacortes, 2S1 and Wax Orchard (WA69?) all from ORBX installed in the area, configured correctly, and haven't had a smidgin of any issue until this.

I can try to capture a screenshot this weekend if desired? It was just a little ways in from Runway 1.

Not a big deal but just reporting it in case it helps, thanks!

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My local airport!


I've flown in and out of Bremerton numerous times from 1 and 19 with many different types of aircraft, but never with a chopper.


Please provide the screenshot as you mentioned, and I'll see if I have the same problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, tested again, finally: took AS355, flew from KSEA to Bremerton, landed runway 1, taxi'd down Taxiway E to A.... no problem.  Came back up towards top of Runway 1, turned at Taxiway G (between A and Runway 1), crept up on Runway (can see yellow barrier blocks across the way)... boom! Invisible crash.


But further oddity: started at Bremerton with the AS350, from Helipad 1. Hover-taxiing all the way up Taxiway A, turned left at G, crept up on Runway 1.... so no altitude, just barely above dragging the skids... no crash!


Go figure.  Screenshot linked below to the location where the crash is occurring:



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Like Phil I had no problem at that location, I even ran into a hanger to make sure my crash detect was active (it was) but going back and forth in the area in the screenshot caused no issues.  I activated Instant Scenery just to make sure there is no hidden objects there and it's all clear.


Sorry I can't help more,


Cheers, Neil (the PNW airport guy)

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No problem, just reporting what's happened. And clearly intermittently, at that.... Have you tested with helicopter hover-taxiing?

It could be the particular helicopters have collision volumes that interact in unusual ways under those conditions.

In any event, I continue to marvel at all your fine work, and am honored to have had you respond to this minor issue. Thank You.

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