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Im Speechless


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Hi guys, I just had to let you know, that i have spent the last 2 days, flying around Orbx Eng and Wales, and Visting every Orbx UK airfield that I have puchased. ( All of them avalible ;)).

Also after following a thread from here, i bought and installed OpusFSX. Wow what a difference this all makes when put together. I decided to use the Dodosim 206 for this little trip as i could then fly slow and low, and make the most out of the amazing Orbx Scenery. What can I say, as anyone who is in the uk knows the weather hasnt been great the last few days, Low cloud and mist which made flying rather intresting to say the least.

All I can say guys is Well Done, I have never felt FSX feel so real, Hell I even got Vertigo when flying over the Bristol Channel, Grey sea, Greay skies, no horizon.........

The airfields were stunning, very well done, and a joy to visit, really cant wait to get more of them. As to the Eng and Wales scenery, Stunning, absolutly Stunning, think this is the first time, UK graphics made me feel, i was in the UK.

Started the trip at Otherton, My Local Airfield, then transited low level, due to cloud over to Stapleford Abbot, before backtracking to visit the flying collection at Old warden, although had to follow the A1 for a bit as was rather socked in by clouds. Really shouldnt have been flying but hey :) overnighted there, before this morning, taking off and heading for Shoreham, hear they have a good cafe, after an uneventful flight and quick sarnie, it was a quick flight along the coast to see some wonderful cars at Goodwood. Quick refuel and visit to the track before lifting and heading over to visit the air musium at Cardiff. After another low level flight because of bad weather, and a little scare with vertigo over the Bristol Channel, we touched down at Cardiff, another refuel, before an hrs transit through the valleys back to Otherton.

I can honestly say this was my best ever trip in FSX despite doing the atlantic ferry route several times. I was holding off on Orbx world as wasnt sure I could justify the cost, however if its gonna make my whole FSX world seem like this, Im in.

Thankyou guys, is all I can say, It may have been a long slog, But I have Finally got the UK and Flightsim experience I have been dreaming off. ( Well apart from decent ATC, but thats another thread )


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I would like to spend my two cents also commending Orbx work. I have read that not everyone was satisfied with England, for most part English people. From a stranger point of view, England was a high piece of work. It is just like I have seen it observing it from Ryan Air getting close to Stansted. Green pastures, all so tidy, forests and agricoltural fileds merge well together, trees along secondary roads, and finally England typical smooth hills. I can't say if all towns are there or not, I wouldn't worry about that, it shall be solved in a next patch I'm sure.

What I know is that since Orbx, I have bought may other addons, i.e. third party airports, cities, sceneries and so on.

Looking forward to FTX Global, where finally I'm going to fly above Africa, India, Nepal, Cina, Japan, Central & South America, Arabia, .... :wub:

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