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Far more airports listed for NZ: South Island than North


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More of a query this one but possibly a bug on my side...just wanted to make sure.

Since the NZ: South Island patch was released I have so many more Airports listed that I can select from within FSX, its great. Am I right that they werent there before and are a result of this patch? And not something the patch fixed with my install? The patch notes hint at the former but I just want to be sure.

I dont have any where near the same amount of detailed airports for the North Island, is this expccted? Are more airports for the North going to be added in a future patch as they (I assume) were for the South Island?

First post so please go gentle on me if the answer is obvious :)

Oh..and I LOVE the products, cant wait for Queenstown and Auckland airports!

Thanks :)

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Thanks for the great feedback!

We included an extra file with the South Island servicepack that allows the 'unlisted' strips to be selectable from the FSX go-to menu,

Its not that the airports are missing in North Island, its just that they are not selectable yet, one would need to locate them using local maps..etc.., we'll release a servicpeack for the North Island soon which will allow them to be selectable to match the South Island.



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Thanks Tim! I really appreciate the prompt reply and the detailed answer. Cant wait for the North Island Service Pack and the added airports....I love the ease of picking somewhere new and random in FSX and heading there :) Keep up the great work!

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