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FSX Will Not Go Beyond Start Screen


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My FSX won't proceed past the Start screen. FSX crashes if any button (such as Choose Aircraft) is clicked.

As some history, I installed the freeware 2S1 airport. The airport worked great, and I was very impressed. Everything worked.

I then went into Settings > Displays and selected "Anti-Alias" and I also selected "Direct X Preview" checkboxes.

After restarting FSX, it now will not proceed past the Start screen.

Can anyone indicate if this could have been caused by the freeware 2S1 airport?

And, is there any way for me to reset the display settings in FSX outside of the application?

System: a super-clean Windows 7 system, dedicated to FSX. No other software applications on this system. No Internet connectivity. 3-monitor support, built by Jetline Systems. Only other add-on is PMDG 737.

Thank you for any help possible.

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Hi Wolter,

Thank you. The problem is that I cannot get to the "Display Settings" screen to deselect the DX10 Preview mode. FSX freezes prior to that. On the FSX Start screen, if I click the "Settings" button, FSX freezes. Likewise, I cannot disable the 2S1 scenery, because I can't get past the FSX Start screen.

Do you know of any other way to disable DX10 outside of FSX?

Thank you.

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