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YSCH and a new paint

Ryan Mason

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What a great airport + township, I love looking at at Aussie town that actually has real shops like we have them for real!

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Oh yeah.............the Helicopter is the Just flight 300CBi (IMHO one of the most realistic for FSX) with PHS livery, fresh out of the paint shop this afternoon.

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Available here if you want it:

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Model: Just Flight 300CBi

Specs: Professional Helicopter Services (YMMB)

Date: 7th October 2008

Painter: Aussiecop

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Hey Aussicop,

I take it you fly helos? (dumb question I know). I have dabbled in trying to fly helos but have never mastered it because it always just rolls over and crashes and burns. How do you stop that. I guess the rotors are a big gyro? Tilt it and it turns and turn it and it tilts?

I have also never understood the aerodynamics of autorotation. To generate lift under power, the angle of attack of the blades must up or positive? During autorotation the angle of attack should be down or negative to keep the blades rotating otherwise with a positive angle of attack the blades would stop rotating with the air giong up through them?

I used to like to watch the RAN helo pilots at HMAS Albatross practising autorotation landings and sliding to a stop on the skids of the Squirrel helos.

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skypilot, im pretty much on the same boat as you. Flying choppers in FSX is awesome however i myself still are unable to land the damn thing. Takeoff and flying around isnt so bad but when it comes to landing i always go ass first into the ground. Landing on a helipad is right out of the equation for me i have never really mastered it. What i do know is FSX is much more realistic when flying helos. But id like to know aswell how you manage to fly them so well AC! ;D

Btw awesome paint mate. :D

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You take it correctly mate both in RL and the sim, your correct in your assumption about autorotation, you obviously have some flight experience.  Between a piston helo and a turbine there is a massive difference in autorotation.  In a piston you feel like your life may end if you screw it up but in something like a Bell 206 or squirrel its just a nice slow easy cruise to the ground easily at 60 knots.  With the helos in fsx its kind of important to have some sort of rudder controller, either pedals or a twist knob or grip (I find the twist grip joysticks impossible) I tried several sets of Saitek pedals and each broke so went to the X52 and I now use the twist knob on the throttle to control the rudder which works really well.  That being said if you are trying to take off in a helo and your rolling over (assuming your realism is up to full) you need to make sure your rudder is at dead center when taking off and ease up slowly until your light on the skids, meaning just barely off the ground, then reassess how your controls are as your adding power and raising up, making constant joystick corrections to keep yourself straight and level.  If your really interested in learning how I would be happy to give you a few lessons in multiplayer.  In FSX we can go dual cockpit and I can watch what you do etc and help you fix mistakes as you go along.  Shoot me a PM if interested.



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