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EGKA Shoreham - PAPI, runway lights


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First, I would like to congratulate ORBX on the stunning scenery for Shoreham EGKA which I purchased yesterday. Visually it is all I was hoping for, as this is a familar local airport to me.

However, I have found a couple of technical issues which are reducing my enjoyment of the product. It is my hope that these will be easy to fix.

PAPI lights: there are no PAPI lights evident for runway 02/20, even though the ground texture has the areas cleared for them in the grass! However, there are PAPI lights that show up in the vicinity of EGKA, one is in the middle of the airfield facing approximately east, the other is just to the west of the airfield and facing west.

Runway lights on 02/20: possibly a crash box issue? When landing / taxiing down the centreline there are no problems, but just a little way off the centreline registers an aircraft crash. Some testing has shown that even if your aircraft is 6-10ft (estimated) from the light, a crash registers. On a runway as narrow as this one, that's a problem!

I am running FSX SP2, FTX England is installed and that works without any problems. These are the only sceneries for EGKA installed.

I can provide screenshots for both of the identified issues if that would be of assistance.

As this is my first post on the ORBX forums, I cannot attach my order number to my signature yet but will do so after making the post. However, here is the requested information:

Purchased from www.flightsimstore.com yesterday evening UK time, but dated 04/03/2013 by Australian time.

Order Number: FSS0203435

[ORB-718] Orbx - FTX: EU EGKA Shoreham Airport

I sincerely hope these issues can be addressed as they are detracting from an otherwise great product.

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Screenshots would be great, as i have PAPI lights on runway 02/20 and don't crash on the runway lights.

1. make sure you have installed the latest Orbxlibs available on the support page at the bottom.

2. make sure you don't have any other addon's for that airport i.e uk2000.



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Yes as Paul said, you certainly should have PAPI lights on 02/20. I suspect there's another scenery product at work here as a similar crash issue has been reported by another user and was resolved by disabling the other addon: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/55557-egka-ftx-eng-shoreham-ai-playerdll-ctd/page__hl__egka


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Paul and Greg,

Thank you for your replies and suggestions.

Just to be clear, the crashes I am talking about are aircraft crashes within FSX, not computer CTDs.

I installed the latest Orbxlibs (130125) but this had no effect on either issue.

I have no other scenery covering the EGKA area other than FTX: EU England and FTX:EU EGKA Shoreham. I disabled EGKA in the scenery library to run the FTX: EU England version of Shoreham airport. This runs without problems: PAPI on 02/20, no crashes along the runway. I disabled all FTX scenery to go back to the default FS airport and this also has PAPI on 02/20 and no crashes.

To eliminate the possiblity that the crashes are due to the aircraft I was using to test I tried in the default MS Cessna 172, with the same result.

This is presumably where the PAPI should be for rwy 02:

Posted Image

No PAPI rwy 02, same for 20:

Posted Image

PAPI on edge of airfield facing west:

Posted Image

PAPI in middle of airfield facing east:

Posted Image

This registers in FSX as an aircraft crash:

Posted Image

Many thanks for your continued support.

Nick Wood

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Hi Nick,

That's certainly very strange. Most notable is the PAPI lights facing the wrong direction. I know you said you don't have any other addons but can you run a search of your FSX folder (and subfolders) for anything with EGKA in the filename. Anything that is found that isn't under the ORBX folder is likely to be the suspect.

It seems as though there is another APX (afcad) file that is taking priority over the FTX Shoreham one. That would then exclude the correct PAPI light placement.

I expect that this is also the source of the crash error.

Let me know how you get on.


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Hi Greg,

I agree, this does have the look of conflicting AFX/AFCADs but that's usually quite easy to sort out. I have run the search of the FSX folder and subfolders and the only files containing EGKA are in ORBX folders. Also, if this was a conflicting AFX issue I would have expected to also see problems with the FTX:EU England version of Shoreham and with default FSX Shoreham, which are both lower priority than FTX:EU EGKA but both of these look fine, I checked them yesterday. I also tried pushing FTX:EU Shoreham to the top of the scenery priority list so that no.1 is the orbxlibs folder and 2 is FTX:EU EGKA and it didn't make a difference.

I have also done the obvious things like reinstalling FTX:EU EGKA. The issues remain.


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I'm going to have to ask you to take another look at these problems.

I have just done a complete uninstall / reinstallation of FSX, then reinstalled FTX:EU England followed by FTX:EU EGKA into the completely clean new installation of FSX SP2. The misplaced/misdirected PAPI and runway crash box problems are still there, they have been completely unaffected. It is now hard to dismiss this as a conflict with another scenery addon.

At present I have an unusable product and I would appreciate some attention to resolving the problems.

Thank you and best regards,

Nick Wood

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Ok where is fsx installed? exact path please.

Can you also take a screenshot of your files in your scenery folder for EGKA (\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGKA\Scenery\) have the view set to detail so i can see the name, date modified and size. This will allow me to check for any missing and/or corrupt files.


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Ok where is fsx installed? exact path please.

Can you also take a screenshot of your files in your scenery folder for EGKA (\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGKA\Scenery\) have the view set to detail so i can see the name, date modified and size. This will allow me to check for any missing and/or corrupt files.


FSX path is the default installation path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\

Here is this requested screenshot of the EGKA scenery folder:

Posted Image

If there's anything else I can do to help your investigation please let me know.



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Hi Nick,

There's a couple of inconsistencies in your folder - you've got some duplicates (the ones that have both a .bgl and .bgl.off extension).

This is going to sound like we're going round in circles, but it's necessary to isolate the source of the problem. Can you:

* Delete your \ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGKA folder.

* Restart FSX at Shoreham and take a screenshot more or less at this location: http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/image/Fjc

* Reinstall FTX Shoreham

* Restart FSX at the same location take another screenshot

* If the incorrect PAPI lights are still there then rename the file ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGKA\Scenery\EGKA_ADEX_GRJ.BGL to EGKA_ADEX_GRJ.BGL.OFF

* Restart and check at the same location. Take another screenshot.

Post the above screenshots and should give me some idea of where the problem is occuring.

I'm focussing attention on the PAPI lights as they are indicative of another file(s) somewhere at play and most likely the cause of the crash bug as well.



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I too am about to go away for a few days but if I can just throw a theory in before I go. I believe there may be an issue with some PAPI/VASI lights from a FSX Acceleration compiled APX not appearing in a standard FSX SP2 system. I'm not sure how valid or widespread this issue is but it could be worth a look for this problem.

I suppose the first question for those with the non appearance of the PAPI lights at EGKA, are you running FSX SP2 or FSX Acceleration?

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If you have ADE you could open the APX bgl (I'm still away so cannot give you the full file name) and save it again that would recomplie to SP2 for you. If not, I could get one of the team with SP2 to do it for you. That will only address the PAPI lights issue as I assume someone else is looking at the 'crash' issues.

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If you have ADE you could open the APX bgl (I'm still away so cannot give you the full file name) and save it again that would recomplie to SP2 for you. If not, I could get one of the team with SP2 to do it for you. That will only address the PAPI lights issue as I assume someone else is looking at the 'crash' issues.


I'm not an ADE expert but I used to use AFCAD for FS9 so I think I understand what you mean. I installed ADE and recompiled the APX BGL. It looks as though that part worked, but unfortunately it made no difference to the PAPI lights (none where they should be, still appearing where they shouldn't). But as I said, I'm not an expert so I can't be 100% sure I did it right.. Thanks for the suggestion though.

This is going to sound like we're going round in circles, but it's necessary to isolate the source of the problem. Can you:

* Delete your \ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGKA folder.

* Restart FSX at Shoreham and take a screenshot more or less at this location: http://fsfiles.org/f...otsv2/image/Fjc

* Reinstall FTX Shoreham

* Restart FSX at the same location take another screenshot

* If the incorrect PAPI lights are still there then rename the file ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGKA\Scenery\EGKA_ADEX_GRJ.BGL to

* Restart and check at the same location. Take another screenshot.


Here are the screenshots in order.

Immediately after deletion of EGKA folder:

Posted Image

After reinstallation of EGKA:

Posted Image

After renaming the file to EGKA_ADEX_GRJ.BGL.OFF:

Posted Image

Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.

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If I may, let me chime in here.

Hello Nick

I had the same issue as You (FSX SP2), but with the KWYS Yellostone airport.

(Same problem seems to happen with other custom ground poly/runways in KBVS, 0S9, and 74S. BTW I don’t own EGKA)

The solution I found was to edit the BGL file with ADE and changed the runway width from 0.0 to 0.1.

(That solved the PAPI/VASI problems.)

I think the problem is due to a “bug†(an unhandled NaN when multiply by 0.0) on the FSX SP2, not present on FSX Acceleration.

Give it a try.

Here is a link to my post: KWYS Yellowstone PAPI - VASI Lights. See the last posts by Alex and myself.


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Hi Nick,

Thanks for that - well that's certainly a surprising result as it confirms that the packaged APX is at least the source of the issue. With that file still renamed as .off can you see if you still get the crash error?

Ramon - that's very interesting as I'd not heard of that before. Indeed the runways are set as 0m width to account for the PR and ground poly runways in use. I've adjusted the APX file for EGKA, changing all three runways to 0.1m. As I can't replicate the issue here I've no idea whether it will help with the misplaced PAPI lights or not but at this stage I'm almost out of ideas.

Nick - can you unzip and copy the attached file into your ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGKA\Scenery\ making sure that the original APX file (EGKA_ADEX_GRJ.bgl) is still renamed to .off? Let me know how you get on. If this resolves the issue will add it to a service pack.




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The solution I found was to edit the BGL file with ADE and changed the runway width from 0.0 to 0.1.

(That solved the PAPI/VASI problems.)


I tried your suggestion modifying the BGL using ADE and yes, that removed the misplaced PAPI lights and put them in approximately the right place on rwy 02/20. So thank you for "chiming in"!

Nick - can you unzip and copy the attached file into your ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGKA\Scenery\ making sure that the original APX file (EGKA_ADEX_GRJ.bgl) is still renamed to .off? Let me know how you get on. If this resolves the issue will add it to a service pack.


I've only had limited time this weekend and I'm away again for a few days but I'll test the file you sent later this week. Thanks for providing it. It looks like we're on the way to a fix and I appreciate the continued support.

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Just purchased Shoreham today. I too am having the same problem as mentioned by other users. To be specific: the problem is with my aircraft crashing on the main runway if it gets within a couple of feet of a runway light. A notice at the top of the screen says that the aircraft has crashed, and restarts the flight (as if this were really an aircraft crash.) I have tried several aircraft, and all of them crash in the same situation. I too feel that although this is a beautiful airport,it is unusable to me now as it it is causing my aircraft to crash when realistically they wouldn't. I hope that OPRBX can release a patch to fix this problem.

By the way, I have ORBX England, Wales, FSX SP1 and SP2.. I do not haveany other UK add-on scenery products. Everything else in ORBX England and Wales is working superbly.



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Hello Greg

Sorry for not answering sooner. Reason being I did a new install. So now have two; one with FSX Deluxe/SP2 and another one with FSX Acceleration. (Both are on the same PC, took a while to set them both)

Tested the default KWYS. PAPI/VASI lights work fine with Acceleration but fail with SP2. The modified BGL works with both.

So I presume that the issue is indeed present when using FSX/SP2 when the runway widths are set to 0.0 (a Math bug?)

Hope this helps.


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Tested the default KWYS. PAPI/VASI lights work fine with Acceleration but fail with SP2. The modified BGL works with both.

So I presume that the issue is indeed present when using FSX/SP2 when the runway widths are set to 0.0 (a Math bug?)

Yep that sounds pretty definitive to me. Something to remember for the future.

Can you confirm whether or not the runway crash bug still exists?



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I substituted the EGKA_ADEX_GRJ.bgl replacement file, but the airplane crashes still occur when the aircraft gets within a few feet of a runway light on the main runway. For the time being I am restrict#ting my use of the airport to the grass runway 07.25.



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Nick - can you unzip and copy the attached file into your ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGKA\Scenery\ making sure that the original APX file (EGKA_ADEX_GRJ.bgl) is still renamed to .off? Let me know how you get on. If this resolves the issue will add it to a service pack.


I can confirm that this new APX file fixes the PAPI lights issue in SP2. Many thanks.

Can you confirm whether or not the runway crash bug still exists?

Unfortunately, the aircraft crashes anywhere within 6-10 feet of the runway lights still happen, making 02/20 difficult to use for all but the smallest aircraft as it's only about 60ft wide.

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Hi Paul

The new replacement file (FTX_EGKA_LIB.bgl) seems to have fixed the EGKA runway lights/aircraft crashes problem. I made a takeoff from the main runway, circuit and landed without having a crash. Then I deliberately taxied close to and right over the runway lights, without causing a crash. Has anyone else been able to confirm this?


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Can you try the attached file it will hopefully remove the crashes.


I can confirm that the replacement FTX_EGKA_LIB.bgl has eliminated the aircraft crashes on rwy 02/20.

Many thanks to you, to Greg and to everyone else who contributed. You guys have done a nice job with the airport and I appreciate the persistence to make sure it performs as it should.

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