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What is the correct procedure to uninstall FTX EU Wales


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Here's a guide i'm about to post in the FAQ section

I'll use WLS as an example

FIRST set FTXCentral to [Default]

1 - Browse to FSX\ORBX\FTX_EU

- Delete the 4 x WLS titled folders:





2 - Browse to FSX\ORBX\Scripts

- Delete scenerylib_EU_WLS

- Run FTXconfigurator.exe (silent operation, it removes the scenery library entries)

3 - Browse to FSX\Scenery\World\Scenery

- Delete all the "WLS" titled files

Use the same guide to delete any Europe FTX regions


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Thanks Paul, I'll go with that one, cos you should know what you are talking about ::)

I was having problems with FTX Central but I have worked out a work around, when I change areas I get a box come up with an unhandled exception, this started after I installed Whales

To get around this I open FTX Central and select Default then Apply then I select Europe and when I click Apply the box does not show, so each time I want to change the area I just select Default Apply and then the area I want.

Will try the uninstall tomorrow and see if that corrects my FTX Central problem.

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When switching between regions say Europe and North America i always go to default first i.e Europe > Default > North America that's the safest way but i have test going straight between regions and don't get any errors so if it continues please post the full error message and i'll try and help.


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Hi Paul,

just went to recreate the error and it does not do it anymore, bloody windows.

I do have two shortcuts on my desktop both are FTX Central, one for FSX the other for P3D, should I have the two icons or would one by ok?

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just a note - Ive had the unhandled exeption error twice on my current install. It happened once when I first installed Orbx. I had FSX and Accel running and I had installed P3D and then I installed Orbx into FSX and then I did something (cant rememebr) that created the P3DFTXCentral and when I very first hit Oceania or whatever, it gave the unhandled exception. But I closed FTX and ran it again and it worked fine.

The error happened one other time but I dont remember when. Its very intermittent and isnt tied to Wales at all. Not England either.

I wouldnt search too hard for an answer in my opinion.

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Thanks sightseer, I will keep my eye open if it happens again I'll grab a pic and all info and post another question, it's not somethnig that should happen, at least I know now that it is not only my system.

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