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Byron Farrow

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Hi there,

I've been doing a lot of flying out of EGHR Goodwood and loving, loving the fact that I can do circuits, using the published fixed aircraft circuit pattern and navigate the full circuit by looking out of the plane and aiming for particular fields and buildings and lakes.

Trying to do the same at Stapleford has not been so successful. I know that the PR coverage is smaller for sound financial reasons - it's a shame but that's what it is and I understand. However, one thing that I would really love to see - and shouldn't be too onerous - is the mast at Lambourne included. This is less than a mile from the end of runway 22 and is mentioned every time I look for flight information on EGSG (http://www.flysfc.co...rfield-info.php and http://www.flysfc.co...rfieldtour.html ... great little webpage that, click on the runways for little videos and maps).

Please look into including the mast in an update to EGSG.



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Hi Russ,

Thanks for your response (and a great airportt), but ...

As Dave said I do have the regional package - and all the UK airports - but no mast. I also noticed someone else comment on this in the release thread, so it's not just me. Can you confirm it should be there (do you see it)? And so it this, I presume, a matter for the ENG SP2? (Or an error with my installation).



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Hmm, ok well here is the mast as i see it with EGSG, FTX ENG + SP1 installed. You will see i have circled the main runway at EGSG so you can see how close the mast is to the RWY22 approach. If you are not seeing this Byron, then please post a screen shot in the same location as mine so we can see whats going on.

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Hi Russ,

I see that mast .... but I'm thinking we may have mast confusion. You just wrote Runway 22 approach .... the missing mast is on the runway 22 departure, runway(s) 04 approach. Look at this website http://www.flysfc.com/airfieldtour.html and it tells you to take course 210Ëš after takeoff to avoid the mast. The mast you have pictured I have in the sim, located on the other side of the M25, near the electricity pylons.

Further research on google maps and OS maps: I've found the mast that you pictured (I think) in a place called Railmead Plantation - just t'other side of the M25 (type the location into google maps and it'll take you right there - zoom muchly to see the shadow of the mast - you can also see it on streetview from near Sutton's Manor Hospital). The mast doesn't feature on the OS map at all.

The mast we are asking about, and is referenced in the airfield documents, is south of the airfield on the edge of the village of Lambourne End. (Type "Gallman's End Farm" into google maps, you can see the shadow of the mast in the field to the west). This mast does appear on the OS 1:50000 map and, judging by shadow length is about three times higher (and you can see it on streetview, putting the little guy near the 'M' of Manor Road.)

Anyway's that's what my research has shown - FTX England has correctly placed - but rather othersized - one small mast, but missed the mast that is most significant for EGSG purposes! Now can I leave it here, or raise a new thread with a title addressing FTX England as the issue, not EGSG 8)

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Hi Timm,

Yep, that's the 'wrong' mast. In reality that mast is about the height of a tall tree, think mobile phone base station type thing, and isn't a danger to navigation at all (the one in FTX ENG is a bit more significant due to its size) The Lambourne mast is significantly larger and is south of the airfield almost exactly on the same vector as runway 22 and is a real issue with 22L and R departures and 04L and R arrivals.

Edit: See the map and warning near the bottom of this page http://www.flysfc.com/printableairfieldinfo.html



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Ah i see Byron, that was not included in the EGSG package, i missed this bit of info while doing my airfield research. It's location would put it outside the boundary of the EGSG package, and in the landclass of FTX ENG, it could be added to either package, but makes more sense to be included in the next ENG service pack as not everyone who owns FTX ENG owns EGSG.


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