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EGSG. Is this correct?


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Hi Guys,

Could someone please check for me? I have these issues at EGSG and am just woundering if it suppose to be like this or is it on my end?

North fence is missing up until the north east end of the airstrip. At the end of runway 04.

Posted Image

The wooden fences running along runway 28 float off the end of the mesh.

Posted Image

Kind regards.


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Yes, those are a couple of little things that slipped through the testing phase, generally they probably were not noticed because when you have the autogen slider to maximum, the ends of the fences are hidden amongst it.

So in short, dont worry, you do not have an error with your installation :)


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Hi Russ,

I am just asking this question because not everyone runs their "autogen density" at maximum. This being the case people whom do not have high end machines kind of miss out and get uncompleted scenery.

I understand about trees. There are so many around that if a couple are not there one would not miss them. However, if there are fences half done because a maxed out autogen is suppose to fill its place (those unfortanate not to be able to run full autogen), miss out on some pretty amazing work. I find that I can not run autogen at its max because my ground texture/scenery becomes blury, especially around London.

I hope there may be a patch later on that may address this?

Thank you for another fantatsic piece of work.

Kind regards.


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Hi Tim, i'm not saying that the fence issue was purposely left that way because i expect everyone to be running max autogen, i'm saying the issues were not seen by me simply because i run max autogen, so it was simply overseen and not picked up in testing either. I am not sure if EGSG will receive a service pack, generally service packs are released when a collection of 'fixes' to a product are required, which make an SP a requirement or there is a major issue picked up after release. There have been very few issues found with EGSG and none of them have been major.

With the huge amount of tasks required to make an airport there will always be some things that get missed or slip through, and we always do our best to address these issues, but when they are minor such as this, they dont justify immediate resolution. If an update for EGSG is at some point deemed necessary then this fence issue will be included in the fixes.


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