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Road Traffic entering airport area at runway 32


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I have;-

FTX AA ORBX LIBRARIES VER 130125 25th January 2013


installed. I cannot see any patch for S43 Harvey Field.

On reading the patch download page again it implies/says that the FTX NA PNW PACIFIC NORTHWEST005 patch should be run when ever a new airport is installed! Could you please clarify if this patch only needs to be installed once or every time a new airport is installed into PNW?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a feeling the team has been quite busy lately, patience is always a virtue. :)

What I've found as safest policy is: 1) Install new airport; 2) re-install main region patch (005 for PNW); 3) re-install latest ORBXLIBS.

I think this assures that you're getting the right meshes and textures laid out in the right order across the board. I'm sure you can probably usually just install a new airport and leave it at that (I did, for the payware airports; only had some minor, self-induced performance issues when I got greedy for the freeware airports alongside those!), but if you ever run into anything, the above sequence is the correct one.

Sequence of installs is often important with add-ons, I find this with new aircraft as well (A2A in particular, if you are buying one of their aircraft along with the AccuSim stuff).

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Hi John,

my apologies for not responding any sooner, but due to issues outside my control I haven't been able to respond any sooner, previous poster is correct with the install order of things, the rest of the Team has been up to their eyeballs with work on the various projects hence the answer of your post was overlooked.

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