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EU England trouble.


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Hi guys.

Im having some problems with EU England with sp1.

Just cant get it to flow like the other Orbx sceneries.

No mather what i do with settings my framerate is really bad, normally 12-16 with some rear moments up on 20.

Also having stutters and the sim lockes up for a few seconds before starting again.

Think this is really wierd, and i dont have the same problem with no other Orbx sceneries.

Just made a test run here now in NA AU and NZ, and here its absolutely no problems.

This problems has been there since the first time i installed EU, and i was hoping it would get right after SP1.

I think it got a litle better after this SP, but not much.

Also tryed to reinstall with a brand new download, but exactly the same is happening.

Dont think its my hardware eighter.

Running this specs:

Asus Maximus IV Extreme-Z

Intel i7 2600K Overclocked to 5 GHz

Asus GTX570 Direct CU II

Asus Silent Pro Gold 1000W

Corsair Vengaence 8Gb


Now im out of ideas here and hope that i can get a litle help with this?

The way it runs here now its completely unflyable sorry to say.

Best regards Øyvind.

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Well this is not the case on my pc.

With the watercooling rig i have buildt, im looking at CPU temps at max 42 C even with this 5 GHz clock.

And as i said, this trouble ony comes when im flying in EU England scenery.

The rest of Orbx scenery is floating smooth as silk.

Am i the only one having this issue?

Ps. Now i have downloaded EU England once again, and going to reinstal the new one just to try.

Dont know what else to do..

Thanks for reply.

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Hi Paul.

My normal settings are like this:

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And this is the settings that i use when running all other Orbx sceneries smooth as a warm knife in butter.

Ofcourse i have tryed to lower the settings without any big difference in smoothness.

The last thing i did yesterday was to actually set the settings up just to see if it was any difference then, but sorry to say it was the same.

Yesterday i also reinstalled the whole Eu package after making a fresh and new download, but still the same.

As i wrote im getting wery bad frames with alot of hang of the sim for a couple of seconds before it wingles on again.

Its unflyable at worst and annoing as ?¤"!% the rest of the time.

Hope you can come up with any ideas regarding this?

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Hi Paul.

Think your on to something here.

Took a spin here now with your settings, and its less hang on the sim, better frames ( from low 20 to 30).

The flow of the sim its much better, but it dont look wery good without autogen ofcourse.

What do this tell you?


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It tells me it the autogen slowing your system down for some reason, you should be able to easily get 30fps with autogen on dense as thats what my laptop can do and its not as high spec as your pc.

Do you have any other addon's? also what plane are you using to test with and where?


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Took a new test trip here now Paul,with the same settings as you see on my first pic, and im quite surpriced.

My other trips has gone around Cambrigde area with different plains and this time i started at about the same place at X3BB Bassingbourn flying North.

At first it was about the same as usual before suddenly it let go and the frames and flow are exelent.

This flight i made with a A2a B-17 Accusim and after Cambridge was behind me it was absolutely great flow all the way to landing at Conningsby with the sim stabil at 30 frames.

The only complain now is that the threes and buildings are updating quite slow in front of me.

Could it be that its something around Cambridge area that makes the sim go bananas?

Do you have other people telling the same?


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There must be something else hugging the bus there, could you please try and de-activate any other addons you have active there via the scenery control panel in fsX and then do a flight with a simple stock Cessna

with a setup like yours fsX must be screaming

Although maybe far fetched the Vidcard drivers and settings also can be a factor for slow loading textures and dropping frame rates

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Hi Wolter, made a new testrun her now with your tips, still with the same settings as i posted earlier.

The only addon i had going was UT2, stopped that and took the default 172 for a spin.

This is what i wrote down.

EGXC Conningsby standing still on rw: 30 fps (Locked on 30)

Flying 1500 ft: 30 fps nice flow no stutters

EGSS Stansted standing still on rw: 11-15 fps

Flying 1500 ft: 20 fps Stutters and lockes, unflyable

EGLL Heatrow standing still on rw: 20 fps

Flying 1500 ft: 10-14 fps Stutters and lockes, completely unflyable

Just to take a check on things i went in to FTX Central and after going default i put in North America.

Started up FSX and went to KORS that is know to be a litle "heavy" with the same default 172, and the sim is locked on 30 fps both on ground and in air.

Same thing at 3W5 Concrete and 1S2 Darrington.

When i entered KSEA Seattle i got a litle drop in fps but no stutters and absolutely flyable without problems.

Wierd thing??

The next thing i cold think of testing is as you say a new Nvidia driver, i see that you and me have about the same hardware exept that you have a better videocard.

I also see that you are using Nvidia inspector.

What profil are you using there? Could i ask nicely to get your settings there?

In my settings im curently driving a 8xSQ (Combined 2x2 SS + 2x MS) profil.

Could it be anything here?

Maybe im asking stupid but i really wonna fix this issue and enjoy the beautiful scenery to full.

What do you think of this?


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Thanks man.

Just updated to the last driver 310.90 and set the Nvidia Inspector settings that you have.

Gonna test quite a bit tomorow, hopefully its getting better.

My biggest goal now is getting England flyable to Sunday, then we gonna have a big multiplayer session with B-17 and escort of Spitt`s and Mustangs.

So wish me luck..


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Made some testflights here now without any resolution sorry to say.

Just to check out the problem area i took off from Conningsby with an A2A Mustang Civ.

Both on the ground and in the air here the sim is glued to 30 fps.

Turning North and up to Hull with the same sim flow.

Then i put my nose straight South and set the autopilot, steady flight on 3000 ft crusing on 280 kt.

The sim is flowing just perfect with no stutters or fps drop until im getting close to Peterborough, here somethings happening and the fps drops straight down to 12-18 fps and the stuttering appear.

The closer im getting to London the worse it gets and when im passing straight West of EGLL im looking at 8-12 fps and stutters from hell.

After London the fps is slowly rising but when im reaching the coast its still not over 20.

After this flight i got a tip and ticked out everything that has to do with Ultimate Terrain Europe and went for a flight out of EGSS.

Sorry to say this had absolutely no effect, and the sim is behaving just like before.

The wierd thing is that its several others that i talk to on our multiplayer teamspeak channel that also experience fps drop in the same area but ofcourse i have the worst.

So now im stuck again, what can i try next to get it fixed??

Any ideas?


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Huh. Quite a few..

With my FSX up and running together with teamspeak, skype, ie, aquasuite and spottify i have a total of 111 processes running.

Sitting still on an airport with the Mustang shut down Cpu usage 38% Physical Memory 53%.

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111 processes running in the background :wacko:

no wonder the thing grinds down in it's tracks, I'd strongly advice you to check out http://www.blackviper.com and have a read there at their advice on setup for W7

to give you an idea, I have 40 processes running when the system is idle ::)

Did you try and run fsX with a "Clean" fsx.cfg ? delete and backup the current fsX.cfg and then let fsX rebuild a new one ?

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Have to take a good look at all those servicesses for shure, i see that many of them are linked to feks Logitech. "Using a G-19 keyboard." This alone has 5 servicess.

Host Process for Windows Services has 14 and so on.

Never the less i dont see how this can explaine that i have this loss of flow around London.

As i wrote earlier, i can fly anywhere in Orbx sceneries with any plain without problems, and i guess that all those servicess are running in those sceneries as well..

But i dont give up, i shall take a backup of my CFG and build a new one and try again.

If you come up with another idea, please shout out.

Thanks again for the help..


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Alacrity by Ken Salter (http://sourceforge.n...cts/alacritypc/) is also not a bad little utility that may be of use - doesn't always give me bags of fps back....but can reduce/eliminate stutters considerably.

It "kills" some of those unnecessary processes (and I'd guess with you having 100+ processes running with FSX, that a fair number will be unnecessary!!) without doing too much harm as you can set alacrity to automatically restart any processes that you disable whilst running FSX when you shut FSX down. It also "defrags" your system memory too (which can help to avoid OOM's).



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Thanks moggy.

Tryed it now and got it down to 83 processes without any difference in the sim sorry to say.

Got another tip from a friend here now that i also tryed out.

Removed both my DLL.XML and EXE.XML file from appdata/roaming to a temp folder and restarted FSX.

Default 172 on the ground EGLL 12-15 fps, in air 8-20 with insane stutters..

Same again without any addon present what so ever because of this removal.

Starting to get hairless and high blood pressure from this now.

But a part of finding out what causes this are to change and try different things. But my god....

Really hope someone reads this thread and have a bigger understanding of whats going on then i have at the moment.

Think it gonna be a break until tomorow here now.

Cheers and have a good weekend.


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HI there,

me again :unsure:

there must be something that's eating away your resources, just for the sake of the argument please give me some coordinates of the area where you experience this problem so I can run a double check here at my end

posting up some screenshots also could be beneficial as we then can see what we are talking about, you know the saying "one picture tells more than a thousend words" ::)

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No problem.....it was worth a shot.

I would still argue that even though its "reduced" to approx 83 processes....that is still WAAAY too many - for example, my PC boots and sat at idle has approx 75 proceses running (and mine is in no way "lean & mean") but you have 110+.

Using Alacrity, even using the "straight out the box" default Vista profile drops that figure to about 48 processes (and i've created my own profile to kill some additional processes linked to non-FSX software to take that down to 41 processes).....but you run FSX with 80+!!!!

I'd be interested to see your Task Manager processes tab....because as Wolter says (and at risk of stating the obvious!!), you certainly have something going on in the background.

Other areas I might look at (and again, apologies if i'm stating the blatantly obvious!!):

What Anti-Virus are you using, and is it "tweaked" to be FSX friendly?

Have you defragged, and if so, what with i.e. payware such as O&O, or the standard Windows defrag?



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Thanks for all the reply Wolter and Moggy.

I shall try and do everything you ask for here.

First lets have a look the task manager and then im gonna take a new testrun and post some shots so you can see exactly where this issue is going on..

Here is 2 snipps of the task manager straight after startup.

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Im using Avira free antivirus together with Anvi Smart Defender.

The Anvi got installed after a virus attack that i got fixed, but i dont really see the use of that no more.

Ccleaner i always use before shutting down the computer, both the main cleaner and the registry search.

When it comes to defragging im using Smart Defrag 2.

It seems like this works good on all my 4 hard discs, and i run it quite often and always after i have installed or deleted any big files/programs.

I dont have the knoledge to stop any more processes that i already have done, a bit afraid that i shall f.... up beyond repair.

So if you see any obiouse task that i can stop, please shout out.

Then im jumping into the sim to get some shots for you Wolter.

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Made the run here now and this is whats happening.

Ultimate Traffic shut off, Track Ir off, no weather program active, Modell A2A P-51 Civ with Accusim.

Took off from EGXC Conningsby, never had any trouble around this place and that was the situation now too.

Stabil at 30 fps without any stutters.

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This is what i like to see.

Turning south and set the autopilot. 3000 ft easy engine settings cruising at about 280 kt.

Dont tuch anything at this point, just let here go and observing the fps and flow.

Absolutely rock stabil at 30 frames for a long time, not one drop or stutter until i got to this point.

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Here i suddenly beginning to get stutters and drop in fps down to 16.

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Here its really kicking in, big drops in frames down to 10-12, the terrain is hanging for a couple of seconds before it lets go. Threes and buildings updates really slow.

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At this point its getting unflyable. So i break left to land at EGSS. The sim is more like a slideshow.

What i found wery strange is this.

I had my Task Manager up and running on my right screen to observe the CPU usage.

From the takeoff its more or less stabil around 40 %.

What i diddent expect was that it diddent rise when the stuttering appeared.

The snipp here shows what it was like just before i turned when the sim had 10-12 frames and insane stuttering.

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What do you think of this??


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Hi me again :)

I did try and recreate your flight following your comments taking off from EGXC and turning to a southern heading,

just to avoid confusion I maxxed out all my settings with following exceptions:



Mesh res.: 5m

Texture res.: 7cm

Water High 2.x

AI 100%

GA Traffic 100%

Road Vehicles 16%

Ships 30%

Graphics set via nVidia Inspector

FPS 40 limited in fsX


nVidia 313.96 beta drivers

REX Essentials+OD

tweaked Shade

tweaked enb

FTX Lights set to Night

Real Weather

I also used the MAAM B-25 as it's known to be a bit on the heavy side for fps, here some screenshots of my results

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as you can see from the fps counter the FPS do variate between 30-40 which I think is very acceptable

So my friend, I'm at a bit of a loss as to what could cause the fps deterioration on your end from the scenery point of view, I can only repeat myself that there must be something on your system that is causing this phenomena and I can't say what it is, as I've said before, pay a visit to Blackviper.com and check out the settings for W7 that they advice, also when in your services control panel set all services that you might like to use to manual start instead of auto start, so that they only will be running when you use it and not in vain eating up valuable system resources.

I'll gladly discuss it with you via Skype or TeamSpeak as it saves us both a lot of blue fingers typing and maybe via that we can come to something that could cause this :)

my skype addy = ph-wvds

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Hi. Reading this topic because I am interested to purchase England scenery. Im sorry you are having those problems. :( I went through similar thing with Aerosoft Chicago and Manhattan. Some strange stutter occured every 15-20 seconds with dramatical FPS drop. But average FPS were 25-30.....Lot of reading, investigations, setups... No help. Then I switched my old GTX560 with new GTX670. After that my "unexplained" and "unresolved" problem was gone. Now I get over 60 FPS there. Can you try to borrow better card and see first, then if works you buy one?

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other option is to delete the Vidcard from the hardware setup via the hardware CP and delete all software for the Vidcard, reboot and start up in safe mode and install the drivers and not letting windows do that point to the drivers folder and that should cover it, as it almost sounds like something is accumulating data and not refreshing so in a matter of speach choking up the system

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Had a elaborate chat with Oyvind on Skype and did a TeamViewer session with him as far as I could detect all is installed correctly ???

we also tried and disable all non FTX sceneries that brought some improvement but still had stutters and wasn't as it should, we are still pursuing the matter at hand so a wee bit more digging needed to flush this one out

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