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Crop duster crash...


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A YOUNG crop-duster his lucky to be alive after his plane crashed and caught fire this morning.

The pilot's Cessna crashed in a paddock and caught fire near Cressy, Tasmania, about 8am, The Mercury reports.

Insp Darren Hopkins, of Tasmania Police, said both the 21-year-old pilot and the plane were on fire when a watertanker, which happened to be passing at the time, arrived and put out the blaze.

He said the pilot had been taken to the Launceston General Hospital with burns. He said the pilot was wearing a fire suit but "his face and hands were on fire".

The pilot rang the owner of the plane shortly after the crash.

The owner, who was nearby, arrived to help the pilot from the wreckage and then took the man in a ute to Longford before an ambulance took him to Launceston.

Parts of the destroyed plane were strewn across 100m of the paddock.

The 1967 Cessna was worth $80,000

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I would venture a guess that it was a Cessna model 188 Ag Truck designed for crop dusting.

I would venture to guess the same

The funny thing is that I never knew of the 188 until only a few days ago when I was trawling the Avsim libraries and came across one - it sure as hell looks a lot like an Air Tractor or should that be the other way round? - anyway I did download it (yet to instal) because I have a similar looking plane (the Air Tractor by Brian Gladdon - FS2002 heritage) and was curious to try the difference

Another coincidence - just locally we have a cropduster come fire support water bomber hangared that is based on the same overall shape but with a turbine driving the prop instead of the bloody great radial - sounds weird but it certainly has the performance

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