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Oh dear, where has Georgetown gone?

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Well, I reloaded everything after my new system build, followed Wolter's guide to reinstallation order to the letter, everything fine, just down to tweaking the life out of FSX to run well.  Took the new Carenado C152 for a spin out of Devonport for my favourite short hop over the hill to Georgetown..... or so I thought, Georgetown has gone!  The town is still there, but the beautiful little strip (my favourite in FTX) has, well, disappeared!  What have I done wrong!  ???

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Matt is spot on :)

FTX does only provide a relative number of fields via the free downloads section,

all of the rest of the fields in Australia are included in the OZx scenery packs v1.0 and v 1.1

simply install 'm and as Matt allready said, manually activate the OZx_AUS folder and you are fit to go, OH ! and before I forget please put the OZx_AUS on the number 1 position, this has to do with some anomalies that can occur when it's not in that spot, this is due to certain layers that need a particular order for them to display correctly.

have fun ;D

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Ahhhh, I see what I have done (or not done!)  I installed OZx 1.0 and 1.1 but forgot to manually activate it in the scenery library.... that will teach me, too much in a hurry to get it all up and running again  ::)  Thanks guys.  ;)

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