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The readme says to place 'mwl_UKVFR_ez.bgl' in this 'ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_FREEWARE\Scenery'  directory but the directory does not exsist on my FS, any help appreciated

Wrinkly 9992

What scenery/add-on is this?  I'm no expert, and that sounds like more an OZx issue than an Orbx issue, but I think the quick answer is: put it in OZx\OZx_AUS\Scenery.  After installing OZx 1.1, I have a similar file (mwl_UKVFR_PLC.bgl) in there, but not the filename you mentioned.  It may be that you have an older version?  Best place to ask, I suspect, would be the OZx support forum.

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Hi Wrinkly,

the mwl_UKVFR_PLC.bgl was used to display particular items in the FTXAA_FREEWARE scenery pack, that has been abolished a mayority of the fields where moved over to OZx and there's where they still are, the file should be in the OZx/OZx_AUS/Scenery folder and you should not have a FTXAA_FREEWARE folder in your install, if you do have that implies you still have the old freeware pack installed and you should delete that entirely as it will cause conflicts and thus impair your performance in fsX.

Also note that if you have a file called scenerylib_FTXAA_FREEWARE.cfg in your ORBX/Scripts folder you should delete that as well.

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