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Excavators to hunt buried WWII jets

Saturday, January 05, 2013 » 05:34am

British excavators are heading to the Myanmar (Burmese) city of Yangon (Rangoon) to find a nearly forgotten stash of British Spitfire aircraft thought to be carefully buried beneath the former capital's airfield.

The venture is backed with a million-dollar guarantee from a Belarusian videogame company.

Backers say it will uncover dozens of Spitfires locked underground by American engineers at the end of World War II.

Uncertainty still remains over whether the planes are down there and what kind of condition they might be in.

But the man behind the effort, 63-year-old David Cundall, told reporters on Friday that eyewitness testimony from US and British veterans claiming to have been involved in the burials left him in no doubt.

The expedition leaves on Saturday for Myanmar and could begin digging in less than two weeks.

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Apparently there are up to 36 of the Griffon engined Spitfires buried there ,protectively sealed and crated in teak . Wonder what this discovery, if it comes to fruition , will have on the value of the handful of Spitfires still flying?

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