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Sudden drop in fps


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Yes Wolter it is there. FSPlanner has found it, and FlightKeeper was able to locate it. So the question is why FSX can't find her own scenery.cfg.

I have looked into its properties and read only is unticked at the cfg file. However the folder it resides in, is read only and I am not able to untick it permanently.

Changes in scenery (addition or removals) are being done by FSX, this is not a problem.

The actual message is:

Completing Setup : generating scenery file indexes....

followed by this message:

Building new database for new scenery files

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Hi Tino,

slightly odd stuff there.

another option you could try is to "repair" fsX at least if you have the Acceleration pack installed.

switch FTX Central to default and fire up fsx at least once

insert the acceleration disc and select "Repair"

what you have to take into account is that all textures will be reverted to the default ones that came with fsX Acceleration,

so if you have REX or other addons that alter the stock fsX textures and or files you will need to reload those addons

the above has saved my bacon a few times, so hopefully it will work for you as well

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