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AS2012 Airport Texture + FTX


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Just upgraded to a super comp and have been buying up FTX stuffs almost non-stop. Everything just looks so good on the new PC.

One question though -- I also recently bought AS2012, and am quite puzzled over the way it adds textures, especially for airport. I now have several FTX stuffs, recent ones are NA PFJ, Stewart, and many others (may be more coming). How do I ensure that the new textures generated by AS2012 each time DO NOT affect the FTX Airports such as Rwy textures, etc? I know there are options under the "Airport" in AS to unselect, but I had previously added an AS2012 Theme BEFORE unselecting any such options. Did notice the runway texture at Cairns look like some double image (mainly the Rwy markings).

How do I make FTX runway textures always take priority over that from AS2012, while letting AS applies runway textures to all other non FTX airports? Also, how do I save a "snap-shot" of all my FSX textures before I apply AS2012 textures, so that I may recall back these textures? And do I have to turn-on (or turn-off) FTX Central each time I do that?

Bottom line is --- I want FTX airport textures to have highest priority, but all other non-FTX airports to receive the AS2012 texture enhancements.

Any advice most appreciated.

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