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AU Traffic AI Pack

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I would like to ask a few questions regarding the AI Pack

I noticed it installed in the scenery section of the Orbx folder and not the sim objects folder.  Is there any requirement for this? Does it improve things etc etc?

I have also noticed that the Aircraft texture files appear to be FS9 files and not FSX (*.bpm -/- *.dds).  Was this package or parts of it ported from FS9?  (as all the FSX Aircraft Textures I have are all dds files.)

The main reasons I ask this is, as far as I have been made aware, and also found over the past 2 years is if you use .bmp files in your Aircraft Textures (FS9 Aircraft re hashed) then lots of little issues start happening in FSX including CTD’s and Blue Screens.  These all happen randomly and at no particular time or order either.

Also when I have used bmp files in the past it impacts on system resources far greater than dds files for the same Aircraft. (fps hit obvious)

Your thoughts and ideas please


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The reason the FTX aircraft are in the Orbx folder is to stop them showing in the selection panel in FSX and also causing the default traffic not to show.

The FTX AI also disables the default AI traffic but if you choose to have the default running you can remove the disabled label from the traffic aircraft bgl in the simobjects folder.

All issues with FS9 AI aircraft have been addressed and there have been no reports of strange happenings. ;D

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Thanks Mal

I gather from your answer (although not clear) that the aircraft are ported from FS9?

Regarding strange happenings I have had a few reports of minor to drastic resource hits (shown as fps) from its use. This is consistent with the use of bmp files for aircraft textures in FSX. (Remember that FSFDT Software will allocate any aircraft texture files to the corresponding aircraft on line whether the AI file is activated or not)

Is there any reason why they were not converted to the FSX default file format (dds) and assuming you say that there is no requirement then why are all other aircraft textures for FSX in the dds format?

I’m not trying to start a fight here or anything its just I have been told since day one to NEVER use texture files with bmp’s in them as you will have issues.  I have personally found this to be true and have found that when they are removed the random CTD’s and freezes disappear.  I have had involvement with over 20 systems re this issue.

The only impact with this AI file I have found so far is a larger than normal hit on fps when FSInn allocates them to on-line aircraft, although one report has a 20+ hit with one aircraft displaying.  All the normal tests and exclusions were made to determine it was from the AI Aircraft and not other influences.

Just trying to nut out the whys and why nots so I can try and find the answer?  I was also thinking of converting a few of them to FSX format to see what happens?..Your thoughts?



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I'll jump in here even though I am no expert  - from what I have been following on the subject of AI there has not yet been a mass conversion of the available AI aircraft to the FSX formats - that is a fairly large job

Mal can give you more detail since he is the main poor bugger that does all the work but he does the flight plans using what tools (AI aircraft etc) that he has available - since even groups like PAI and World of AI etc have not yet bothered to get around to doing the massive conversion jobs other than changing the AI file formats to suit FSX I think it is possibly a wee tad unfair to expect anyone here to do it as a freeware option

You could of course volunteer to take on the task - I think it only involves re-doing a few hundred paints for a couple of hundred aircraft but Mal could give you a better idea of the figures

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Not sure who told you to never use bmp's but yes the textures are from FS9 and a lot have been made new.

This has been fully tested before release and the only issues that arose were some black props which have had a patch released for download.

All flightplans, and other txt have been fully converted to FSX format.

Unfortunately I will not be converting the FTX AI bmp's to dds as I just do not have the time, but you may do it if you feel that it has to be done.


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FSX will use BMPs just fine, though the SDK recommends all textures are converted to DDS as the processing is more efficient however a simple look at many default FSX textures in the normal Texture folder you will still find many bmps. Effects wont use dds and there are other things in FSX that wont use DDS. This is normal for FS versions there is always a degree of cross over between versions.

So yes for best results all textures should be DDS as per the SDK, but for FSX this does not mean bmp's won't work. On saying that Aces have clearly stated that for pre FSX scenery and aircraft there is no garantee that they will work with FS 11, so i would take that if you want anything you make to be future proofed into FS 11, you better make it FSX SDK2 compliant as it probably wont work. eg use DDS from now on.

The main issue with FS9 AI ports is issues with DX10, specular and alpha issues and framerates (which are more related to inefficeint models and high resolution textures than the use of BMP's) From my know ledge there is only one true FSX AI package available in My Traffic X however some of the other produces may have started to catch up.

As far as our AI Package goes, we are not normally permitted to modify other developers models if we are going to redistribute them publically. So in that light the onus is on the developers of the pre FSX models to update them or otherwise ultimately see them be come obsolete. We can only source and use what we get permission to use. A number of AI developers are strongly against anyone re distributing their work under any circumstances. An unfortunate attitude but reality.

On the BIG plus side we are HUGELY greatful for the PAI group and other AI model sources that have kindly contributed to the package which we have fully credited them.

So unless we create our own aircraft, thats about as good as it gets.

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Marty, Mal and the Actor Quinn? (sorry no name shown in post)

Thanks for your replies.  I have listed out some points below that I hope will clear up the issue and create a better understanding for all.

I am not complaining nor am I wanting someone to do all this work for a freeware package…I was just after some answers.  It would appear that every time a question is asked people get all defensive about it.  Please don’t do this, just answer the questions please.  It’s a lot less stressful for all.

1..Just to clear it up I have not and am not asking for a FSX file format AI Package.  I will certainly have one for free but it is not asked for in my posts.

2..Regarding who said not to use *.bmp files in the Aircraft textures, it was MS (see the SDK and developers notes) Exactly why is not stated although as I stated I have know of problems when they are mixed into FSX Aircraft Texture Files.

3..*.bmp files will work although as stated I have found they do cause issues when mixed with dds files for Aircraft Textures. (see above posts)  This is a random occurrence and has happened on numerous computers, which is resolved by removing the models that have them.  I can only tell you what I have seen.

4..Original MSFS FSX Aircraft do not use *.bmp files for Aircraft Textures.  I have looked through the complete FSX Aircraft files and not found any *.bmp’s that are used for Textures.  There are the odd *.bmp for the picture display but not for Aircraft Textures.

5..I am not talking about scenery or any other component of FSX, only Aircraft Textures.

6..As stated in my posts I am searching for answers to frame rate hits when using the AI package on-line with FSInn allocating Textures to on-line Aircraft.

7..There is no issue regarding using the AI Package off-line.

All I wanted to know was.

Q1..Why are they in the Scenery folder (Answered)

Q2..Were they Ported from FS9 (Answered in second reply)

Q3..Asked for thoughts and Ideas regarding the frame hit (answered in the last post if the reference to bmp’s being inefficient is the answer)

IMHO these 3 questions could have been answered very simply in the first instance without the requirement for an ongoing frustrating discussion where people get defensive and the point or questions get missed in the dust.

In regard to all of the above let me make it perfectly clear that I am not complaining nor do I complain about freeware, I appreciate it more than most.  I am just trying to solve an issue that will benefit all.  (I hope).  As stated earlier I don’t want to get into an argument about who said what etc I just required information on 3 questions so I could understand why etc and maybe get some ideas that I haven’t thought of to solve this issue.



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It would appear that every time a question is asked people get all defensive about it.  Please don’t do this, just answer the questions please.  It’s a lot less stressful for all.

Every time? That's a generalisation Steve and it appears your questions have been answered, albeit more verbosely than you would have preferred.

However your quip; "just answer the question please" has almost a police interrogation tone to it.

Don't use such a tone please. It's less stressful for all.

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John, I’m sorry if my generalisation and request offended, they were not intended as such. (I thought I made that clear at the end of the post?)

There was no undertones meant with my statement and it was used as a generalisation just to say “Please answer the questions† My point I was trying to make was people “Generally†tend to put their own spin on the whole subject.  This was all I was trying to point out.  (See reply from Quinn and I’m not having a go here either so please don’t have a go at that, it’s just an example).  IMHO Even your reply John confirms the same to a point.  If my wording is offensive I apologise, as this is not my intention.  I am just informing you of my reasoning and thoughts.

The answer from Marty was great and I didn’t say it was too verbose. In fact it was very good. (Just a bit Yes / No on the *.bmp issue that I would like to know more about. IE; any tests, facts or figures etc that could help?) The reference to keeping it simple was “FS9, Yes/No†Sorry if that wasn’t clear.

Because of this and what appeared to be other miss understandings from the replies I thought it best to try and clear it up by making some direct points and statements.  I thought this was a good thing but it appears from your reply that it was not welcomed?  I’m just trying to locate a problem that is apparent in a number of systems using *.bmp Aircraft Texture files.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


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