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Duplications of FTX AI after update


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I loaded the latest FTX AI update file and then opened my newly downloaded NZNI. As FSX opened I got numerous warnings of duplications with the same name. I answered OK and it took a while but then I opened to great new scenery and Aukland Intl. Many good looking airline planes and vehicles so I thought everything was straightened out ( or sorted ). The next time I started up FSX I had the same warnings and became annoyed at the delay they cause.

I decided to look at the listing of my FTX AI planes and identify duplications. I noticed immediately that almost all the planes were listed in one series ( A to Z ) followed by another series ( A to Z ).

I made a back-up folder of the second series and then deleted it When I opened up FSX there were no warnings and quickly I was at Queenstown and there were AI craft so I think I'm OK. I did not check elsewhere for AI but landing at Glenorch (sp?) I did have an AI GA plane with Two people and a car.

I may have taken out files I need so if anyone knows would you please comment. Thank you.

good flights, Cal

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I may have taken out files I need so if anyone knows would you please comment. Thank you.

good flights, Cal

I took a look at the newest update patch and read the rest of the info and I see that I may have eliminated the improved AI models and fixes. I see that I should go through my improved Austr. airports and eliminnate the AI traffic so the newest stuff can fill the void. OK, that's what I will do then reinstall the update. I think that's the answer I sought. Thanks for that Cal.

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I am having a conversation with myself but maybe it will help someone.

After reinstating the removed duplicates I unchecked AI GA traffic at addon Austr. airports, then reinstalled the FTX AI patch, opened FSX and I still got all those duplicate warnings.

I copied then renamed those duplicate files but left them in the game. I shut down the comp., restarted and started FSX and there were the same warnings again, it apparently did not work to add a 1 after the texture name. I closed FSX and then went through the FTX AI files and deleted any file that had come up in the warnings. I restarted FSX and most of the warnings were gone but a few textures still show as duplicates. I've spent too much effort already and I can live with a few warnings to "OK" if I can't find the rest.

The duplications ocurred after I installed the AI patch which I installed before removing the existing AI traffic at addon Australian airports. Is there something else I should be doing.

thanks, Cal

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Sorry to be slow in getting to you Cal but I have been away for a little while.

You seem to be having the same issue as another user some time back so I will refer you to that topic and see if it helps. http://www.orbxsyste...ffic-323-issue/ It does go off track a little so I hope you will stay with it as it does get back to the main issue.

If you still have your issue after all that, report back and we'll see where to go from there.

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Graham and team,

Greetings, I followed your link and read about your suggestions. In my case, many of the files listed were not available in Scenery/World/Scenery so I decided that something was amiss in my installation. I reinstalled the FTX AI files 3.20,3.21,3.22,3.23 so I could be certain everything was done right since they are incremental. That worked perfectly and the next time I loaded FSX I had no duplications and my aircraft listing for FTX AI matches the entries as you listed in your help files, and the bgl files now are listed as you show in your instructions. I must have missed loading a patch file even though I was sure I had them all.

I took a flight from Wellington and had lots of AI traffic landing and departing so it all appears to be working. Flying North I saw wonderfully detailed little towns nestled in the valleys and lush, green ladscape. I sure will enjoy exploring more of your wonderful island. Its a privilege to have a beautiful place like this unfold as I cruise along rolling hills and coastlines.

Thank you for helping me figure this out, I hope its useful to others.

good flights, Cal

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