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Newbie needs a hand getting the demo to work...

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Would be very grateful if someone could help me get the demo working. I am stumped. Here is what I did:

1. Installed FSX and patches - I am running Windows 7

2. Found the FTX and Orbx material and downloaded the Tassie Demo. also downloaded Launceston.

THe FTX central appeared on my desktop and I changed the setting from the default over to the AUstralia option.

3. printed out the manual and followed the instructions,

4, opened FSX and checked the Settings tab and the scenery library which lists in ascending order:







5, I go into free flight and pick Launceston and spring then click 'let's fly'

6, I get the standard default FSX landscape and not the scenic glory I have been hoping for

So as mentioned I am stumped, I cannot inderstand what I have done wrong here, I wanted to see what the demo was like because if this software is anything like the screeen shots then I am buying that baby!!

Any help or throuble shooting would be most appreciated.

Many thanks,


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Hi mate,

Sounds like you've down everything right so far. The only the to confirm is that the scenery library entries you mentioned are at the TOP of the scenery (ie that they first entries in the list).

The easiest thing to suggest to you at this point is to close FSX, open FTX Central and select Default then Apply. Now select Australia and Apply again. Close and restart FSX.

Failing that post a screenshot of what your seeing - you can find info on how to do there here: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/38447-how-to-post-a-screenshot-on-the-orbx-forums/#entry335815

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Hi Greg, Thanks for your reply and suggestion, it didn 't work, so the next thing I will do is a screenshot of what I am seeing looking down on Launceston. 1 question with the scenery librarys, did you mean that the actual file named 'FTXAA_SCENERY' has to be the first one? otherwise they are as previously stated numbered 1 through to 6.

Thanks for your help so far...

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Greg means that all six files you list should be in that order at the very top of the FSX File Library above any other entries.

When you wrote:

"Would be very grateful if someone could help me get the demo working. I am stumped. Here is what I did:

1. Installed FSX and patches - I am running Windows 7

2. Found the FTX and Orbx material and downloaded the Tassie Demo. also downloaded Launceston.

THe FTX central appeared on my desktop and I changed the setting from the default over to the AUstralia option.

3. printed out the manual and followed the instructions,........"

I checked the Freeware and Payware ORBX/FTX scenery and airports and do not see anything for Launceston. Where did you 'download' that airport from? Remember that with FTX/ORBX scenery other developers scenery probably will not work correctly.

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Hi Spud,

This is where I downloaded the Launceston airport

http://fullterrain.com/freeware.html it is about half way down - the first of the Australian Airports. As per the instructions the Launceston airrport is a lite version of this in the demo. am I in the wrong forum completely? Thanks for the clarification as per above yes they do appear in the tree at the top in FSX will post a screenshot of that as well if it helps,



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ohhhhhhhhh glad it was not a snake! I would have been bitten fer sure! I bet I looked right at it a half dozen times and missed it every time. Sorry about that.

I assume that the airport works with the demo but that would have to be confirmed by one of the more knowledgable guys here.

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Hi Os,

what you must do to istall the demo:

unzip the FTXAUBLUEDEMOSP3.zip into a own folder and you have a FTXAUBLUEDEMO.EXE

install as administrator these exe

After install close the "End"-window with "Exit"

The "FTX Central"-window opened

click on the button "Australia"

click on the butten "Apply"

do not other in the FTX Central!

read the FTX AU Demo User Guide

Do at first nothing, read page 12 and page 14 for FSX settings

Do the setup in the FSX settings (better is, set frames to 30 and klick for Anti-alaising)

Do not install the seperate freeware Launceston, it is in the demo!

And now fly from Launceston, it runs perfect.

I installed it some minutes ago without any problem.

Cheers. Friedi.

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