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AuTraffic 3.23 Issue


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Hi Graham

I seem to have an issue when starting FSX after installing your latest update as it brings up menus informing me that i have multiple objects with the same title name and proceeds to give me loads of examples with every click of the OK button. I have not had this issue before with your updates and i have previous patches installed. Installation said it went ok. Looking in the SimObjects/Airplane file its hard to see where the issue is.

Do you have any ideas that i can try?

Thanks for the update.

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Hi Guys,

Also re: this topic, after installing this latest patch, when I try to un tick the FSX Default Traffic box, within the Orbx AI Control Panel, a message box appears stating "Could not switch option FSX Default Traffic"

Any idea's?



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Hello Simon & Mal

@ Simon - I think I have an easy answer for you but I'm just running it by Graham first - he will more than likely respond to your issue himself.

@ Mal - Are you running any AI Traffic packs like MT-X that modify the default FSX traffic file (Go to your :C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World\Scenery\ ) Find: the default traffic file named ( trafficAircraft.bgl )

If the FTX AI CP has FSX default Disabled, it should look like this ( trafficAircraft.bgl.DISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI )

If the FTX AI CP has FSX default Enabled, it should look like this ( trafficAircraft.bgl )

Try opening the FTX AI Control Panel & try to check & un-check the option while looking at the default traffic file observe weather the .DISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI is removed and replaced as you select that CP option

Cheers Jeff

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Hi Jeff,

Thanks for a quick reply, in answer to your queries:-

No, I am not running any other AI traffic packs like MT-X.

I have checked the file as requested, it shows FSX default disabled(Traffic Aircraft.bgl. DISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI)

When I check or un check the option in the CP, the DISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI in the file, remains static, and does not change!



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Hi Mal,

I have just checked my own FTX AI CP options for v3.23 & all options switch on and of as intended.

As far as I'm aware the CP options can only be performed while FSX is not running.

Make a Temp folder on your desktop and copy the Default traffic file ( trafficAircraft.bgl ) to that folder for safety backup)

Could you then manually delete the ( .DISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI ) portion at the end of that file in your Scenery\World\Scenery folder - and see if the CP option responds by placing a check mark in the CP for FSX default on. then try un-checking the option again in the CP this should bring back the ( .DISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI ) portion on the end of the Default traffic file. then try checking & un-checking the option again in the CP.

Cheers Jeff

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Hi Mal,

No thats not normal - but because they are the same size they are potentially the same file - one switched on and the other switched off which is confusing for the CP to perform both tasks similtaneously - I will have to defer to Graham about this, he will be able to advise wether to remove one so that only one instance can be switched stand-by until Graham can look into the issue.

BTW are they both 22,615 KB

Cheers Jeff

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Hi Jeff,

Yes they are!

I thought so! I've just deleted the file with DISABLED-FOR etc!, and now the switch over in the CP works OK!, and the trafficAircraft.bgl file does change as you suggested earlier!

Thanks for all your help!


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Hi Mal, Sorry for being so late coming onto this but other matters have taken precedence this morning.

The issue of two FSX default traffic files is rare and will only occur if you restore or repair your base FSX installation in some way. The FTX AI Traffic pack does not install any additional copies of that file but will enable you to rename it via the Control Panel. I therefore don't believe this is a particular issue with this patch.

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Hi Graham,

Cheers mate, I have re-installed my FSX a while ago, a couple of times, so thanks for that, I understand how it works now, and thanks for all your hard work, your traffic addon for AU is brilliant, it makes all the differance flying in AUS!


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Hi Simon.

There are two possible causes for your duplicated objects that I can think of. The first is that you have renamed or moved your FTX AI Aircraft folders in some way. If so, then the cleanup script run as part of the FTX AI traffic Pack install process has not been able to find the renamed or relocated folders to delete the old files.

The second cause could be that the Traffic pack installation process was stopped before the cleanup script had run.

If you have not renamed or moved any of your aircraft folders, then perhaps rerunning the FTX AI Traffic pack install process again may fix the problem. If you do this, please make sure you wait until the install process has completely finished and you see the confirmation screen. It is quite fine to install over your exising installatio again.

If this does not resolve the issue, then report back in this topic with a screenshot of your SimObjects/Airplanes folder and we'll proceed from there.

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Hi Graham

It seems my issue got hijacked by someone else with there own issue, hmmm, nevermind ::)

Thanks for the reply.

I have not moved or renamed my FTX Au traffic files before and as i said i have not had any problems with previous installs with regards to your traffic updates. I dont rush my installs either and always wait until the end and it gave me an installation complete message with the black box appearing at the end etc.

Its not the first time i have had some file issues with a few Orbx installs but i think its at my end somehow as no one else seems to have it. My permissions seem to be as they should and i run as Admin.

Graham, i think i might have to follow the uninstall method mentioned in the Docs and install the lot from Base 3.20. I installed the 3.23 again and the problem remains.

Also i have no idea how to screenshot my folder but will let you know how the reinstall goes when i get some time to do it.

Thanks for the help.

Thanks also Jeff.

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Hi Graham

Alas, no joy here. Reinstalled 3.20-3.21-3.22-3.23 about 3 times and it still does it. I'm baffled by it all and ready to hold at 3.22. It says multiple files with same name etc but i can't find them amongst the FTX traffic files. The only thing i can find is that bigger aircraft will say for example 737-200 and then below it there will be a 737_200 and seem to have the same files in them. Is that how it should be? But it also says that the Cessna Cardinal has multiple entries but i cant find any sign of duplicates. The other installs have gone fine with reinstalling base and patches so why this happens with 3.23 i dont know.

It must be at my end but i've run out of ideas. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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It would seem that the cleanup script is not running for some reason. The second lot of files with the dash instead of the underscore are the ones that should be deleted.

This is a list of the Aircraft folders you should end up with:-

Posted Image

Ignore the Diamond Katiana, that one is not quite ready yet, however you can quite freely delete any FTX XXX aircraft folders not on this list.

I need to understand why the cleanup script is not working so I will get back to you tomorrow on that if I may.

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Hi Graham

After reinstalling 3.23 i do indeed have the clean up file with the date you mention. But clicking on it twice does not seem to delete the old files. What i do get is one of those black DOS screens flashing up very quickly when clicked on. I see it says 'The specified file can not be found' and thats four times it says that.

Is that normal? I hope this gives you some pointers.

Also if i just delete the old files and just leave myself with what you posted above will that suffice and give me full working Au Traffic without duplicates?

Thanks again.

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Howdy Graham. Thanks for the continued effort with this A.I. addition.

I have my A.I. planes in a seperate AI_aircraft folder. After applying the latest patch I had to manually copy and delete to solve the multiple objects with same title problem.

It was a piece of cake, took about 10 minutes or so.

Perhaps I did not installl the program correctly, initially?

No matter, it's a great additon to Orbx land and greatly appreciated as well.

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Well Simon, this one has me completely perplexed.

If you have all elements of the FTX AI Traffic pack installed in their default locations, then the cleanup batch file should work fine. Perhaps it became corrupt or damaged in some way during your download.

Could you please zip your cleanup_files.bat file and attach it to a post and I will have a look at it.

In the meantime, you are quite safe in deleting any FTX_XXX aircraft folders not on my list above but to be sure, here is a list of the folders/files actually deleted by the cleanup routine.

ORBX\User Documents

FTX AU Traffic User Guide.pdf

ORBX\User Documents\Versions


Scenery\World\Scenery (Only if the .OFF version exists)

Traffic_FTX Aust-NZ Airlines.bgl.OFF

Traffic_FTX GA Traffic.bgl.OFF

Traffic_FTX International Airlines.bgl.OFF

SimObjects\Airplanes (These are all complete folders to be deleted)

FTX Airbus A380-800

FTX ATR 42-300

FTX ATR 72-500

FTX BAe 146-200

FTX Boeing B717-200

FTX Boeing B727-200

FTX Boeing B737-200

FTX Boeing B737-300

FTX Boeing B737-400

FTX Boeing B737-700

FTX Boeing B737-800

FTX Boeing B737-800 JM

FTX Boeing B747-200F

FTX Boeing B747-400 V1

FTX Boeing B747-400 V2

FTX Boeing B747-400 V3

FTX Boeing B747-400F

FTX Boeing B757-200

FTX Boeing B767-300

FTX Cessna 177 Cardinal

FTX Embraer 110

FTX Embraer 120

FTX Embraer 190

FTX Fokker F50

FTX Fokker F100

FTX Fokker F100V2

And as you have NZSI, you need to take the NZSI traffic file out of play:-


Traffic_FTX_NZSI.bgl Rename to Traffic_FTX_NZSI.bgl.OFF

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To Davepdx,

It would seem you have resolved your situation however can I suggest the following for the future. While it is fine to relocate your aircraft folders to another area in your FSX file structure, it is best to return them to the default position prior to doing an update or a completely new install. The scripts for these install processes rely on all files and folders being in their default location and subsequent changes will just mean the install routine will fail to some extent as you have discovered.

It takes but a few moments to return all files and folders to their correct location for a new update after which you can move them back to your custom location. I recommend this approach as I am planning lots of other changes/improvements for the next and subsequent updates to the FTX AI Traffic pack.

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Hi Graham

Thanks so much for the info you have posted. I have actually been able to delete the old files now and am now left with the correct files that you have shown me. I am able to load FSX now with out any multiple files shown. Also i have gone through the clean up process manually and i hope i am running AU traffic as it should be now at V3.23.

I'm trying to upload the Bat file for you but i cant figure out how to do it via posting or PM. Where should i be looking? Going out soon but will look in later.

Cheers Graham

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Good to see you are sorted but I would still like to understand why the cleanup batch file did not work as it should.

Could you please locate the Cleanup_files.bat file in your ORBX\Scripts folder and right click on it and select Edit. Copy and paste the entire contents of the text into a new post here so I can look at it. Once I have that I can see if there are any problems with the file.

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Ok Graham

I think i have managed to get what you require.

Its gone to you via PM

Just to add that i did download once again with a download manager the update and the issue was still the same.

Please let me know what you think. Apart from that my AUtraffic files should be good now.

Thank you for your interest.

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Thanks Simon. That Cleanup batch file looks perfectly fine so I am none the wiser as to why it does not work on your system.

Can you confirm that your FSX system is a standard installation and that you have not overwritten any file structures within the ORBX or SimObjects files or folders. As you can see from the batch file text, the file/folder stucture is quite specific and even the slightest modification will render it useless.

I also assume that previous cleanup batch files have all worked ok, particularly those from the earlier FTX AI Traffic patches.

At this point I am out of ideas so will have to refer this issue to some of my colleagues for more clues.

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Hi Graham

Its a puzzle thats for sure. The only thing i have done was move my entire FSX folder to a different drive and then of course i had to redo my FSX path etc. That was a few years ago and i have installed many add-ons since including your AUtraffic and not had any issues to my knowledge. But a while back i posted about an issue i had with the PNW demo uninstaller. That did not work for me either and i had to uninstall manually.

If your previous updates had clean up files i have not had the issues i have had with 3.23. Within the FSX folder itself i have not altered anything from what i can remember and the Orbx file and SimObjects file should be as its supposed to be.

All my FSX add-on installations do point to the correct FSX path.

Its an odd one Graham but if you find anything out about this please let me know.

Thanks for your help and AUtraffic.

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To Davepdx,

It would seem you have resolved your situation however can I suggest the following for the future. While it is fine to relocate your aircraft folders to another area in your FSX file structure, it is best to return them to the default position prior to doing an update or a completely new install. The scripts for these install processes rely on all files and folders being in their default location and subsequent changes will just mean the install routine will fail to some extent as you have discovered.

It takes but a few moments to return all files and folders to their correct location for a new update after which you can move them back to your custom location. I recommend this approach as I am planning lots of other changes/improvements for the next and subsequent updates to the FTX AI Traffic pack.

Good point Graham, never even thought of doing that. In the future, I will follow that tip.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi fellows i have had the same problem duplicated objects so i have uninstalled the ftx a1 traffic for the moment and wait and see if there will be a fix at some time to 3.23 ill install all other previous patches though. And thanks for the great a1 traffic

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Hi Ken, Adding to a post that was marked as 'resolved' some time back is a sure way for your issue to be overlooked. Perhaps it would have been better to create a new topic.

There is no 'fix' in process at the moment as the cleanup script appears to be fine, I assumed the problem for the original poster to be a 'one off' as all other installations appear to have gone as they should. Your post now destroys that theory so I need to understand why it is so. I would prefer to try and find out why this has occurred rather than have you 'skip' an update.

Can you first of all tell me if your FSX setup is completely standard, that is, have you left all files and folders in their intended location as installed or have you made some modifications?

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