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FTX Central fails to open

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I am a demo user, however FTX Central returns the error message " FSX not found at the location pointed to by the Registry or no FSX entry found in the Registry. I fly FSX multiplayer regularly and FSX is installed at "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X".

I don't understand why the FTX can't find it. Please advise.

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Alas poor Dudely, This is my problem.when I go to FTX central to activate Kjac this pops up,after I hit the activation button.unhandled exception has occured in your application.If you click continuet the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.If you click quit,the application will close immediately.Second Paragraph. Access to pathC:/Program Files(x86)Microsoft Games\\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\scripts\Backup\restore bat' is denied. Got any Ideas,I dont.Been working on this for seven days.You know what they say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get a different result.Fools paridise. :Dudely?

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Hiya Tim ...............

........ Not sure whether I should respond here or on the support forum, so decided to respond here to keep the thread active. http://tweakfs.com/d...reg_utility.zip was dll'd activated with no fix. Indeed towards the end of the process, I was informed that the correct path already existed, and did I want to overwrite it. I responded with a yes, and am still not able to activate FTX Central. My FSX version is "MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR X ACCELERATION 1.0"

Any help would be appreciated, as you may imagine,, a little disappointing not being able to even activate the program.

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Hi Lobo,

From what you post it looks like you still do not have a correct registry entry for FSX

So you are trying to install the PNW region demo into FSX yes? I only ask this because you posted before in the P3D simulator forum

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Hi Tim ....

... Thus far the only thing I've accomplished is downloading the FTX Demo version to my desktop whose Icon properties display as:

"C:\Program Files\ORBX\ORBX\Scripts\FTXCentral\FTXCentral.exe" and:

KHQM Control panel whose properties display as:

"C:\Program Files\ORBX\ORBX\Scripts\OrbxControlPanel.exe" /config=orbx_cpl_KHQM.xml

Neither one 'opens'. If I'm supposed to download FTX scenery into FSX I haven't a clue as to how to accomplish that. My assumption is that all I needed to do is download the demo version, and voila I could 'try it before buying it'. This experience makes me extremely apprehensive about proceeding further.

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