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Uninstall FTX AI Traffic


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The manual lists five steps.

1 and 2, OK

3] the TX Configurator.exe doesn't function at all. Click but no joy.


5] ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAI_TRAFFIC  doesn't exist

Kinda frustrating! To clarify, screenshot attached.

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Hi Tailgunner,

the FTX Configurator runs in silent mode, this means you will not see any action occur, but it still does it's job.

to see if the FTX configurator did it's job you wil need to look at the Scenery control panel within fsX, what it does is it sorts all FTX folders and activates them in logical order.

The first attached screenshot is as how my Scripts folder looks you will see a number of files that you do not have, that's due to my Beta testing work. On the second screenshot you will see the Scenery controlpanel with the FTX folders activated and moved to the top of the listing as that is what the FTX Configurator file does.

Just for informational purposes, the FX Configurator file should only be used when fsX is NOT running !



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