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control tower no outside or vc texture

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Can view all radars ect. Can only view vc textures in recorder custom view but tower is at ground level. All other views no texure of tower itself. Tower files are in simobjects/ airplanes plus simobects/misc. . The simobjects/airplane texture file has 2 panel files and a thumdnail.jpg of tower.

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There are no outside views of the towers. They are set up to provide a higher, unobstructed view of the airport and traffic and to provide some radar data only. The thumbnails are just of generic towers to provide an image in the Airplane select menu.

These towers are a much more simplified version of the simobjects/misc control tower which can be placed anywhere by the user.

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Thank-you for reply. So if i want tower vc view (interior of tower) i must use the simobjects/misc control tower, is that correct? And do i place that tower by useing object placement tool ? I am making a video and want a shot from within the tower looking out.

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The simobjects/misc control tower is the FSX default one and outside the control of Orbx. I haven't used it for some time but as I recall, it is accessed via the Multiplayer menu and requires the user to nominate the role of Air traffic controller. Slew mode is not available in that Control Tower and it's position is determined by where the control tower view is placed in the APX file. That position can be altered with Airport Design Editor but I wouldn't recommend that unless you are familiar with ADE .

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