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2w3 scenery problem!


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I have just registered on this forum and wondered if anyone could help me with a problem?

I downloaded 2w3 airfield and only half the scenery has loaded, I don't have any buildings, grass, digger or the wall that runs beneath it. Also I purchased on DVD 'Full City' and on that one I get no grass, trees don't move, no birds, concrete runway missing and leaves don't fall but other parts of the scenary are there

I've purchased other Orbx scenery before and they run fine. Has anyone else had this problem? or have any ideas how to fix this?

Any advice would be greatfully received!

Many thanks


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Thanks for supplying your order number Stewart.

It sounds like the ObjectFlow module isn't working. When you first install 2W3 and start up FSX, there should be a popup window asking to trust "ObjectFlow_2W3.dll". Did you get this window and click "Trust"?

If you did this and nothing shows up check your FSX.cfg for the lines:


C:\...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_2W3\Scenery\ObjectFlow_2W3.dll.tbttlblqtkwkrzlonnanabkkelaieqzwrtrttlwl=1

There should be one of these lines for each airport that has ObjectFlow

Additionally, do other airports show their ObjectFlow enabled items? Your order history shows Anacortes and Melbourne v2 which should both have ObjectFlow. If you load Anacortes and are missing items such as grass and other vegetation then something has gone wrong with your ObjectFlow setup.



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I was with Stewart yesterday to try to help resolve his issue.

Interestingly when we copied the 2WE download files to his other computer which has an separate FSX set up the 2WE airfield woked fine with everything there as it should be?

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