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YCDR traffic lights


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Hi. I have been embarked on the daunting task of circumnavigating the land mass Australia..( iwont call it a continent , been questioned on that here before ... so landmass it is ) I started at ysii and twice I have departed Harvey bay to Caloundra only to get a g3d.dll error as soon as the township traffic lights appear on the screen . this happened coming from two routes .. one inland and one closer to the shore and as soon as the lights appeared the screen freezez andCTD fatal error. I am running a virgin config file 00000...Zero tweaks. I have ftx lights set to day... could this be causing a problem . ? I will turn the traffic lights off in the ycdr contol panel and when I get the feeling to try it for a 3rd time I will let you know if it helps.

PS i was in the carenado piper malibu

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Hooray ! good news for whatever reason setting the traffic lights to off in the ycdr control panel allowed me to be able to complete my flight. un fourtunately I made the mistake of trying to land the malibu on runway 21 , its short and I had a stiff cross wind, when I kicked in the reverse thrust I drifted of the runway for a bit and ran over a few gopher holes so I am going to let the mechanic here look her over . what a lovley airport and environment I think I will do a heli tour while the mechanic checks her out . happy flying. ! :D

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HI Tim Yes . as soon as the red and green lights appeared the screen crashed to desktop after a freeze up twice. so assuming the lights may be part of the problem I decided to check ycdr control panel and noticed the option to turn them off. I dont know if they caused the ctd.

but I did not get one with them off. If you wish you may mark this as resolved.

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