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Flying around Alexandra

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G'day all,

A brief series of five pics from me today (I'm still having way too much fun blowing up Kerbonauts on their launchpad!) The flight was intended to be a nice leisurely early morning plod in the Cessna 172 up from Alexandra, crossing the range and landing at Omarama to pick up a Discus for some soaring action 8) Flying in real weather, however, conspired to make the flight a little more challenging. Whilst visibility was excellent, and the sky had very few clouds, I was confronted with 16kts of crosswind from a morning westerly at the airfield, which increased to 46kts a mere 5,000' off the deck. Needless to say, the poor old Skyhawk spent the entire flight drifting right as much as forward.

Anyway, enough talk, more pics...

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Hope you liked them!



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