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PNW demo: KHQM runway floating

Guest kiwi00000

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Guest kiwi00000

Just a question, I have the floating runway issue. But, when I went to the download area to get the patch, I was meet with "Don't instal this patch on top of the PNW Demo! This patch is only for full PNW."

So, where is the fix then?


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Hi Kiwi,

Yes that is correct you should not use the PNW servicepack with the demo,

Can you can post up a screenshot showing the issue?, a simple way to include a picture with your post is here: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/38447-how-to-post-a-screenshot-on-the-orbx-forums/

And can you run a windows search of your FSX folder for KHQM, and see if you have anything tagged with KHQM that is not within the ORBX folder structure



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