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No Taxiway Lights at YMML V2 - (ie taxiway leading to Rwy34)


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In addition to my post dated March 10 regarding another issue at YMML V2 (which at the time of writing this new post is still unanswered), I noticed that when conducting a taxi to Rwy34 from Gate E3, that there were no green taxiway lights from the entry point of the taxiway all the way to the hold point of Rwy34? Is that right in terms of real life? A bit difficult when taxiing at night time. Can anyone at ORBX clarify please.

Thx and rgds,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delayed response. I did a quick check and confirmed my RTM installation of YMML V2 is showing taxiway centre lights for Taxiway Kilo and all other taxiways including lead on and off lines to the runways.

There could be a couple of things that can mask effects such as mesh settings making the effect drop below ground level and FSX has also been known to dump effects from a scene randomly. Also check your scenery complexity settings too.

I have attached a couple of screen shots of what you should be seeing



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Thanks Martin for the response, apology and clarification. I can confirm the following;

1.There are no taxiway lights in my YMML v2 from taxiway A (commencing Taxi G) almost all the way until Taxi W (intrs K). Some lights display several metres along Taxi A just prior to ints with K.

2. The parallel taxiway S has the same problem whereby lights don't appear until appr 20m from intrs W.

3. Mesh settings are 5m.

4. Scenery Complexity is Extremely Dense.

5. Texture Res at 7cm

6. Indeed all settings are as per pg 15 of the v2 pdf manual.

Anything you can suggest at this point? I'm baffled with this.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Please ensure you also have the latest Orbxlibs as the taxiway lights are contained within this library, other than that this is a very difficult issue to diagnose as it seems to be only a local problem on your system.

Also what view/zoom levels are you using?

Hi Marty,

will redo library again and test results. Zoom level is 70 which is universal for my FSX settings. Interestingly enough, this problem is only evident at YMML. All other ORBX/FTX/FSDT etc airports are ok.

I also noticed recently that there are a couple of taxiways at YMML that are prone to extreme blurring (according to my system). They are;

1. Taxi F & G at Rwy 16/34 Intrsc.

2. Taxi A just past North intrsc of Rwy 09/27.

Posted Image

Posted Image

Can I ask you why the blurriness in these 2 specific areas as opposed to the rest of the airport? NB: a simple flight from YSSY to YMML in the NGX and oce I've landed, these 2 areas are far worse then what you visualize in the screenshots I've provided.

Thanks again for your input Marty.


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Hi Marty,

just to add, I d/l the latest ORBX libs (28/03/2012) last night and installed - lo and behold the missing taxiway lights were now in position and operational. So, a big thank you for working that one out.

If I could just ask for your help in relation to the blurriness in some of the taxiway points indicated above, I'd be mighty appreciative.


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