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Missing autogen buildings

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I've recently downloaded the PNW demo and I noticed that for some reason there are no autogen buildings.The urban textures are basically empty with the vehicles running on a flat 2D environment without any buildings. Airport buildings, vegetation and such are there but no autogen buildings. I have a maxed out FSX with all sliders to the right and this is the first time I experience such a thing. I believe it has something to do with the default.xml file but I don't really know what happened. Can someone please give an idea how to make the autogen buildings appear? Interestingly, since then even my 3rd party Key West scenery lacks autogen buildings. There are autogen buildings at the non-ORBX areas. Any help is appreciated,



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Hi there!

Problem solved, might be useful for others, too.

All files were there, however, when, I tried to switch to the ORBX Region in FTX Central, and clicked "Apply" - an Unhandled Exception happened every time I wished to activate the Scenery - not finding a "part of the path" for the file called default.xml - which supposed to be in the Scripts/Backup folder, as the error message state. Why wasn't it there, no idea, but I made a copy of the file, created the missed "Backup" folder inside the "Scripts" folder and pasted this file there. Then restarted FTX Central, switched to the ORBX Region and no error message. And, autogen buildings appeared as they were supposed to:-)

Thanks for the prompt response,



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