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Unhandled Exception error trying to install NA NRM


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Okay... so, I go through the unwrapper - all is fine. It spends several minutes copying files. I get a "File Copying complete" screen, with a button to "Run FTX Central". FTX Central pops up just fine. Per the directions, I click on the "North America" icon, and click "Apply". Up pops an Unhandled Exception error. "Could not find part of the path..." as seen in the screenshot below, the fully qualified path is indeed missing the "backup" folder. Clicking continue just results in FTX Central "spinning icon".

I'm running Win7 64bit Home Premium with UAC turned on (everything above ran as admin). My FSX folder and all sub folders have "users = full control" anyway, so modifying the files aren't an issue. However, even though I know different, I'll submit and admit that I did not turn UAC all the way down before installing. Now I can't seem to back out or go forward.

Order Number: FSS0153339

Order Date: 2012-02-26

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Hi jrowland, a warm welcome to the FTX support forums

We missed adding an empty 'Backup' folder in the installer, which results in the above error, our apologies for that, luckily it only happens if NRM is your very first ORBX product

Grab the latest Orbx-libraries patch here: http://www.fullterra...t.html#orbxlibs and this will resolve that error for you

Let us know how you go



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Thanks, Tim. That went smoothly - I downloaded and executed the patch, and then launched FTX Central. The "NA -- Apply" worked.

My follow-on question: as I was installing the libraries, I saw the big red letters that said, "install this LAST, after all other patches". Does that mean that I cannot go back now and get the patches; or, that I should install this file AGAIN after getting some of the patches?

Thanks again for your help, and I'll call the matter resolved.

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Hi again,

The reason the Orbxlibs should to be installed *after* any Orbx products are installed is because it keeps the Object libraries up to date with the latest fixes, as older airports will have an older version of the Orbxlibs

I should install this file AGAIN after getting some of the patches?

Yes that is correct

Happy flights!



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