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VFR Comms US Vs AU


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Are there any pilots out there who have flown in both Australian and the US who can tell me if there is any difference in the VFR comms phraseology between the two countries? Reason being is I am wondering if this ipad tutorial from Sporty's is relevant for use by a VFR PPL student in Australia.

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Hey there,

Would love to help you with all the little differences between US and AUS radio procedures as there certainly are some differences. Its complicated though, as there are differences in procedures as well as the communications associated with those procedures. Apologies for the vague statement but im quite tired while writing this and unfortunately don't have time to go into details.

If you're interested in radio comms procedures I'd recommend a book (yes, paper... a bit old school for your ipod/ipad users) 'Aviation Theory Centre - Flight Radio for Student Pilots', if you google it you can pick it up from various stores or online for about $30 AUD and it's very comprehensive. After reading that you should have little doubt about VFR comms in australia.

Hope I was helpful.


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I imaging it is somewhat different Mark based on the volume of traffic more than anything else, the Phraseology would certainly be different BUT this is why Australia has adopted Unicom Channels and the gradual changeover from CTAF and MBZ's .

This is of course like Australia has regional differences too I suspect.

Ryan if we can track him down would be in the Box seat to tell you as he is in the throws of gaining his Helo certification in the US and has flown in and around Melbourne too.

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