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Texture problems at CEJ4 (Clarishorn Industrial)

Stan V

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I am seeing a few relatively minor but noticeable texture problems in the new freeware scenery. So far, I have spotted one possible and one probable problem while starting from parking spot #2.

The first is that the brown winter grass textures straight ahead across the small tarmac are very blocky like they are missing although the color seems realistic (winter brown). (The grass off to the left looks to be normally textured.)

The second and a more obvious problem is that the static Piper (AI?) aircraft off to the right front is not textured at all. The static Cessna behind it directly on my right, however, is textured.

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Can you provide screenshots of the grass?

For the Piper, it definitely sounds like an AI aircraft issue. While testing CEJ4, I was using the following AI: FSX Default, FTX AI, Ultimate Traffic 2 and My Traffic X 5.4. I have yet to see a blank aircraft and there are no static aircraft with missing textures at CEJ4. If it persists, put a screenshot of it up as well.

If you need directions on adding screenshots, check here: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/38447-how-to-post-a-screenshot-on-the-orbx-forums/

Alternatively, if you want to avoid using another website for posting screenshots, take a screenshot in FSX by pressing the V key, open it with Paint (default location for FSX screenshots is in ".../Pictures/Flight Simulator X/", save it as a .jpg instead of a whopping .bmp, and attach it to your post using the applicable tool located below the text box.

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Vlad was right on both problems and this problem report can be considered closed - I had the DX10 Preview checked and unchecking it cleared up both of my scenery issues. (Sorry about the spelling of the airport name - I was doing it from memory and that never works right) The solution, of course, brings up a minor dilemma for me. A very nice payware release of the Republic Seabee aircraft that recently became available was designed to require the DX10 Preview, so it looks like I won't be flying the Seabee out of CEJ4 or if I do, I will have to live with the texture anomalies. I guess that is just life!! Anyway, CEJ4 looks super and you are to be congratulated on this wonderful accomplishment.

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