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One quick one...

Jay Kae

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Thanks Heiko, I am in the early stages of planning for a possible mid life refresh of my now pretty ageing machine some time in the second half of this year.

I am hoping that I can get away with a relatively inexpensive OS/mobo/processor/memory upgrade to see me through another 12 - 18 months until I can save for a new machine.

Cheers and thanks again,

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  • 8 months later...

I guess the Skulltrailler is the way to go. I wonder what it will do if loaded with Win7 x64.

I get better rates from that than I did under XP x32 or x64. I upgrade from RC to RTM last week and no problems so far. Maybe you should have a look at that JayKae!

I am about to uninstall FSX and rebuild it from base as I would like to dedicate a dual boot Win7 partition to it.

I have also started onthe road of cockpit building so if machines like this become affordable (wife, kids, mortgage and a cat) then maybe having a near professional looking sim at home is within reach.

Good one, maybe you could do a video and upload it for all us "underprivileged" simmers.....

FTX must look awesome! (Not that it doesn't already, but.....)



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There is the need to modify one .ini file on the RTM (Retail) DVD but it installs and updates all relevant RC packages without losing any software information. It will point out any software that needs to be removed (I had to uninstall Mcafee Enterprise 8, which had compatibility problems anyway) it also advises which programs may have issues after the update, but none of them were FSX or mainstream, in my case just two apps for my Canon MP610 which I left anyway and they work fine.

If you want me to, I can post the changes to the .ini file if anyone wants to upgrade instead of clean install!!



PS As a technet subscriber I have also upgraded several of our testbed and eval machines in our lab wthout a hitch or any software loses.

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HOW TO!......

When you receive the Win7 Retail Disk (assuming you purchase Win7 x64 Ultimate, because you can only upgrade the same edition)

Copy the files to an external drive (so you can edit one of them) open the subdirectory "source" and locate the file "cversion.ini"

Edit the file so the MinClient and MinServer are both 7000.0 (The RC version was 7100)

Save the file and run the setup from the external drive.

You will now be able to update from Win7 RC to RTM without having to perform a clean install adn you will save al your hard earned files and invested time.



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