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No Anti-Aliasing at YMML


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I can not enable Anti-Aliasing at YMML in Poly mode.

FSX mode is OK, Window or full screen makes no difference.

No problems with the installation and the Control Panel works.

My hardware is up to the task.

I have set up sliders etc as per the manual suggests, which was pretty much as they were anyway.

I have tried various Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic filtering combination settings.

I use nHancer.

Frame rates are smooth enough.

It only happens at YMML in Poly Mode, any other airport is fine.

I have no other issues with YMML, or the rest of FSX.

I have tried a reinstall of YMML.

The cause must be in my system some-where, as I don't remember any-one else reporting this problem.

This is very frustrating, as Poly mode is so good, but unusable as it is.

Some help would be really appreciated.


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Thanks for the explanation John,

That fixed it but certainly not happy with 2x AA.

In the mean time I found yet another FSX cfg tweak document here.


Although I had most of them already, I did find a couple of new ones.

I like this document because it explains each tweak and how to apply it correctly.

I went through all of my tweaks again, adjusting some and adding the new ones.

I had a pleasant surprise when I went back to YMML and was able to crank it up to Supersampling 16x and AF 16x. where it was before YMML.

Frame rates are OK and Poly mode looks great.

My FSX is on its own dedicated removable caddy, so the system carries no baggage at all, I'm sure this helps.

I also added another 2Gb of ram because it is so cheap right now, it probably helped a little bit as well.



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You are right John,

I am no expert but I know that these things change constantly between Sim versions, service packs etc.

I can only absorb what people come up with, evaluate it, and if it sounds reasonable, try it out.

Some work, some don't, and I certainly do not bung in everything. I don't know why "TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD" is redundant, but I will remove that one, I have a 640Mb card and it looked logical to me.

I like to understand how and why these mods work, but it can be difficult some-times.

Thanks for some wonderful add-ons, can't wait for the next one.


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