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Freeware Fields

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I want to ask about readme doc's for the freeware fields.Were there ever any readme's for them.One in particular is KHQM.I have upgraded some of my hardware.I'm trying to figure out where all my sliders should be set for KHQM.Some kind of a starting point as a reference to go by,and then go up from there etc.

Thanks for any slider setting info for KHQM and the others etc.


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Thanks Alex.

I am wondering about where the mesh and texture resolution,sliders should be set as a base starting point,and of course where the autogen should be set,based on one's PC spec's etc.Since there are numerous paywares as well,within the same region,say within around 150 NM's.

I've been looking for a happy medium in slider settings,that cover most of these fields,such as 7S3//S52/0S9/1WA6 all the way up to KORS.I'm also trying to fly from point A,and not have to change slider settings to land at point B.Example 0S9 to KORS.


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Thanks Alex.

I am wondering about where the mesh and texture resolution,sliders should be set as a base starting point,and of course where the autogen should be set,based on one's PC spec's etc.Since there are numerous paywares as well,within the same region,say within around 150 NM's.

I've been looking for a happy medium in slider settings,that cover most of these fields,such as 7S3//S52/0S9/1WA6 all the way up to KORS.I'm also trying to fly from point A,and not have to change slider settings to land at point B.Example 0S9 to KORS.


Mesh settings should be at 5m for any airport, that'll be 'universal' with the upcoming 7S3 facelift. Also textures should always be at 7cm since FSX will only load the highest available LOD.

As for autogen you could probably stick it to Dense or Very Dense and have acceptable frames all around.

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So I take it in your reply.I should be able to fly from 0S9 to KORS with settings you mentioned,and won't have to worry about,having to adjust a slider settings,by the time I get to the other end etc?.

I am aware of Bill's patch coming out in due time for Twin Oaks.It would be nice to sync all those fields to mesh setting to 5m and textures to 7m,because there's so many of these fields so close together so to speak.


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I can happily say that KHQM is one of the most well performing airports I have installed in the sim.

With maxed autogen, maxed scenery complexity, low 2.0x water, texture and mesh set to the reccommended level, and Day mode enabled I can achieve 20-30fps consistently with minimal blurries, and if you look in my sig you will see that my system is definately not the best around!

Of course if maxed autogen doesnt work for you you can pull it down to very dense and you'll get much better performance and will not sacrifice much visual quality.

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