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Upgrading Orbx AI from v300 to v321


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I have Orbx AI traffic v300 running and would like to upgrade to the latest.

Do I load v301, then 320, followed by the 321 patch?

Do I need to remove v300 first?

Can I just load 320 followed by the 321 patch over 300?

Probably a simple question but ask now no problems later!

Thanks in advance for your help.

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As Misha has said, just install V3.20 and that will automatically remove any earlier versions of the FTX Traffic pack for you. The V3.21 patch is an update to V3.20 so you need to have that installed first. We plan to release small updates each 3 or 4 months to cater for changing airline schedules and to add more aircraft etc. and these will all be incremental to the base V3.20 package. The V3.22 patch should be ready for release mid to late January 2012.

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